SOS chat group is meant to be a safe, compassionate and authentic digital space where people can anonymously post questions or experience and provide each other with useful advice and support. To keep our users feeling safe and supported, please kindly observe the following guidelines while posting or replying in this private chat group:
Be Kind and Courteous
. We are all in this together to create a welcoming environment. You can help us foster a caring community by being kind and respectful in your thoughts, words and actions to everyone.
Respect Everyone’s Privacy
· Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great, but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in this group should stay in the group. Please do not post or comment personal information about you or someone you know e.g. surnames, school names, specific events or location details, phone numbers, email addresses, or links to social networking profiles to protect each other’s identity. You may send us a private message if you wish to provide us your contact details if necessary or when appropriate. No Live Videos are allowed.
· Make sure everyone feels safe. Posts that include racially offensive, discriminatory, religion, culture, sexual orientation, threatening or aggressive comments will be removed. Similarly, any messages that condone illegal activity or criminal behaviour will be removed.
Bullying will not be tolerated, and we do not allow posts that are purposely intimidating.
· Any posts that contain crude, or sexually explicit language and descriptions of sexual acts will be removed. Graphic, flirtatious, and sexually suggestive language is strictly prohibited.
Promoting harmful behaviour
· Posts that promote or incite harmful or dangerous behaviours will be removed. Examples including methods on how to self-harm, or details of suicide attempt etc
To enforce our guidelines, we may adopt the following approaches, including, but not limited to
· Sending you a message to edit or resubmit as appropriate
· Temporary or permanent suspension of accounts
· Removal of privileges from, or adding restrictions to, accounts
· Removal of content
Thank you for observing the above guidelines and joining us to create positive, safe and healthy social media spaces which support relationship building and build confidence.