👋 About MILK | Our Story

MILK (Mainly I Love Kids) Fund believes that no child should be left behind regardless of disability, illness, or circumstance. MILK was registered in 2004 to more holistically address the needs of these children. We grew out of the Hope Fund, which was set up in the 90s to ensure that children with chronic but treatable illnesses were given the opportunity to live a normal life as contributing citizens.

MILK focuses on plugging the gaps in the social service sector rather than duplicating what is already in existence, and this is done by an ongoing and rigorous study of the non-profit landscape and the policies in place.

MILK also devotes its resources to transformational programmes that empower children and their families to break out of the poverty cycle. Through MILK we continue the good work supporting needy children by plugging gaps so that they can access and complete their education.

At MILK we believe that the best way to commit to our future is through our children. This is why we build-up and work with partners and programmes that develop children into contributing members of society.