Beyond the Label Community Roadshows! - Reflections

Welcome friends of BRAVE! This thread is for participants of the Beyond the Label roadshows to share about their reflections after hearing a story shared by a person with lived mental health experiences.

Feel free to browse through their reflections, and we hope you will be encouraged to know that you are not alone :slight_smile:

Suggested Reflection Questions

  • Can you recall a time when you felt overwhelmed by your responsibilities? How do you cope with it?
  • What strategies do you use to manage feelings of guilt or sadness?
  • What are your thoughts on seeking help early when dealing with mental health issues?
  • What are some barriers towards seeking help for mental health concerns?
  • How does the story of someone recovering from a mental health condition inspire you?
  • How can you support friends or family members who are going through difficult times, particularly with their mental health?

Upcoming Events

  1. 10 August 2024: NDP Heartlands Celebration @ Yishun
  2. 10 August 2024: NDP Heartlands Celebration @ Bishan