I'm losing it

Currently sec 3 and I haven’t been doing well since sec 1. I failed 4 subjects in sec1 being addicted to games and only improved a little in sec2, sec 3 became so much more stress this year I feel like I only just got used to it but its already September. Eoys are here and I’m feeling stuck and losing it. I can’t seem to get my focus and priorities straight whenever I’m on my phone. I think about my studies when I’m doing soemthing else eg during tuition but never crossed my mind when I’m on my phone . I can’t help it it’s so stressful idk what to do and i already failed 3 subjects in term 3 this year I’m scared for term 4. I literally have 2 more days till the rest of my eoys start excluding languages(its over). I need help idk what to do man i left 2 days i can’t cramp sh!t and if i fail term 4 my phone is gonna be taken (thats something important to me) and i do realised how important sec3 is like also how am i supposed to find a job let’s say part time when my results are that bad? I want to earn the money to support my family too but with that procrastination and no motivation what can even be done.

Dear @Artsybirb,

Thanks a lot for being open and honest about your struggles.

It must be a rather overwhelming and stressful situation to be in right now. It can be tough to deal with academic struggles, especially when they’ve been ongoing for a few years. The pressure of upcoming exams can be immense, and it’s completely normal to feel anxious and unsure.

From what you’ve shared, it sounds like you’ve been trying to balance a lot of things, and it’s understandable that it’s been challenging to maintain focus. The distraction of your phone might also make it difficult to prioritize your studies.

Let’s take a step back and explore some strategies that might be helpful:

  • Break down your goals: Instead of focusing on the entire term, try breaking down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and make progress more gradually.
  • Create a study schedule: A structured study schedule can help you allocate time for each subject and ensure you’re covering all the necessary material.
  • Limit distractions: Try setting aside specific times for using your phone. This can help you stay focused during study sessions.
  • Seek support: Talk to your teachers, parents, or a counselor about your struggles. They can offer guidance, encouragement, and resources.
  • Practice self-care: Make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically and mentally. Get enough sleep, eat healthy, and engage in activities you enjoy.
    Remember, it’s okay to ask for help.

You’re not alone in this, and there are people who want to support you. Let’s work together to find solutions that will help you overcome these challenges and achieve your goals.


What you’ve said is extremely relatable. I think many of us struggle with concentrating when studying because lol most people don’t enjoy studying.

It’s good that you have an awareness of your weakness in academics and what is causing you to do badly. It is also good that you have a drive to want to perform better. Don’t fret too much on your grades now, as there is still time to improve, and if you work hard from now, you may surprise yourself in your potential improvement.

I’d agree with the other comment here. You can try to break down your taskings to smaller ones. For example, reading 3 pages and rewarding yourself with 5minutes screentime. Rather than doing a 3 hour study grind straight, you may find that you will experience burn out much faster leading to loss in motivation.

You can also try to implement your phone in learning, such as watching educational youtube videos.

Letting your teachers know of your academic struggles can be good too so they can cater their teaching style to you better, especially knowing your weaker attention span.

Good luck for your exams though! Don’t fret and just do your best. Because you can always do better the next time.

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It’s not too late to improve since you’re still sec 3.

It also sounds like there’s some struggle with balancing phone usage and studying. Maybe you could find some strategies to not let your phone become distracting? Like setting your own screen time and monitoring your screen usage. For me, I prefer to leave my phone in a separate room when I want to study or ask a family member to help me hide it.

It may be hard initially and you may still get urges to reach for your phone but just try to continue studying, after a while the urge would subside. Another strategy could be to delete certain apps that are particularly distracting like tiktok, instagram. Then when you want to use those apps you could just re-download it but by the time it’s loaded you would probably lose the urge to open the app at that point.

Also don’t worry about being unable to find part-time work they usually don’t care what grades you have unless you’re aiming for something like a tutor job.

You have another year to improve your grades it isn’t over yet :slight_smile:

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