The Power of Talking: How Do You Start the Conversation?

Reaching out to someone who may be struggling can be challenging, but sometimes, just starting the conversation can be the most powerful step. Whether it’s offering a listening ear or simply being there, your support can make all the difference.

Let’s share how we start those important conversations and help others feel less alone.

What’s your preferred way of starting a mental health conversation?
  • Sharing your own mental health journey first
  • Asking open-ended questions about how the person feels
  • Offering to do a relaxing activity together
  • Sending a supportive message or text
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Common topic to talk about e.g. food

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To talk to someone and share my coping mechanism

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Communicate with each others are the main key point

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Introduce and say hi

By sharing my own mental health journey first

Reach out by asking them how they are and what they are doing currently and continue the conversation then.

Have a 1-2-1 convo in a safe space

first coffee, then jokes, then heart to heart

Chat with the person

Just find some thing is interesting

One has to be vulnerable first to be able to allow people to feel safe about opening up

That’s on of the best topics! I love Ayam Masak Merah! What’s yours?!

Awesome to know u care