Social Anxiety - What is it, really?

The fear of interactions and experiencing anxiety at social events. it’s important to try to include people in the conversation if you see people shying away at social events

I thinks that it’s true cause lots of people are afraid to speaks out their thoughts

for me, social anxiety is when i suddenly feel a surge of uneasiness when in a social setting. personally, i will calm myself down by reassuring myself that I’m just getting to know more people, and that it is for my benefit to be exposed to more people :slight_smile:

actually i would say my social anxiety comes from my overthinking

I think most of us have more or less social anxiety. For me, I try to figure out by talking with them.

I have friends who face social anxiety as well and after COVID it became worse.

Social anxiety is social fear, worrying excessively about how people think

Offering more opportunities for students to connect with each other

:slight_smile: Jia you to those who are trying to cope with social anxiety. You will get there!

I know someone who experienced social anxiety. There are some signs that I noticed about the person, but it wasn’t clear and not obvious that the person has social anxiety. It was hard to tell as they usually try not to show it. They were shaking before a big presentation or before meeting a lot of people, they feel anxious.

  1. Yup, generally its a sudden loss of energy and waves of sadness or strong happiness out of nowhere. Its not always obvious, but people tend to say you look tired. So when that happens, its a good indication to take care of your mental health!