met a lot of mean people online recently, the amount of mean people are usually low but it’s almost every interaction since the start of 2025. coding bootcamp taking up my life until I dont have time to hang out w ppl to rest my mind, struggling w learning coding n not even sure if i want coding as a job anymore. Ruminations of people who pissed me off is getting worse.
the first one actually cause me to relaspe quite badly for a few hours for my depression today n then now there’s a mild but concerning depression or sadness left. I was proud to say that i had recovered from depression for 3 years w small amount of relaspe but sheeesh. This one is concerning.
anxiety disorder is still dormant and not acting up which is good, it does but not much to be concern of. All my habits to make depression go away is still ongoing, like running, sleeping enough, adding more to my lists of things to look forward to, motivational list, but i have been lacking time or energy to hang out w ppl or i had to put what gives me purpose aside for now since all my time is consumed by the bootcamp