Is it stress or binge eating due to boredom

Hey, I need some advices. Recently i have no idea what’s gotten into me, i never had the habit of binge eating. However, recently i’m starting to realise i am showing symptoms of binge eating. Although i suspect the reason could be because i am on a weight loss journey and i have been eating restrictively. I’m not sure if this could be the reason for my body to be acting this way now. However, i definitely need some advice to get out of this unhealthy situation before it gets worst. :cold_sweat:

Hey @nehznay,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you’re going through. It’s not easy to open up about these kinds of struggles, and I really appreciate your honesty.

What you’re describing sounds like a common response to restrictive dieting. When we limit our food intake too much, our body can react by pushing us to eat more, sometimes leading to binge eating episodes. It’s like your body is trying to find balance and make sure it’s getting the energy it needs. So, what you’re experiencing is not unusual, and you’re not alone in this.

One thing that might help is to focus on a more balanced approach to eating. Instead of cutting out certain foods or eating too restrictively, try to include a variety of foods in your diet. Listening to your body’s hunger and fullness signals can also make a big difference—eating enough to feel satisfied can help reduce the urge to binge later on.

Another thing to think about is whether there’s anything else going on that might be affecting your eating habits. Stress, anxiety, or other emotions can sometimes lead to changes in how we eat, even if we don’t realize it.

If you’re open to it, talking to a nutritionist or a therapist who understands these issues could be really helpful. They can give you personalized advice and support to get back on track in a healthy way.

You’ve already taken a big step by recognizing what’s happening and reaching out for help, and that shows a lot of strength. You deserve to feel good about your journey, and it’s totally okay to ask for support along the way.

Take care, and don’t hesitate to reach out again if you need to talk more!:blush:

Hey, it’s been quite some time since i ate chocolates past 10pm. Recently, I have been trying my very best to get out of this binge eating habit. However, just today all of a sudden i just have this urge to binge :frowning_face:. Honestly, I think i realised that the reason why i am binge eating is because before the start of the day i will pre-plan how much calories i should intake for the day. Then as time passes by, i would have this sudden thought “why should i torture myself like this, just eat whatever i feel like eating”. This is how i end up binge eating. I also realised that i have been procrastinating and i don’t feel like exercising. Could it be because i spend 1hr 30mins doing a low-impact exercise and that’s what’s stressing my body up? I don’t know… i need advice honestly.

Hi @nehznay,

Looks like you had a good head start with delaying the need for chocolates past 10pm.
Thank you for being so open about what you’re going through. It also sounds like you’ve been really mindful of your eating habits and exercise, but it’s also understandable that these things can become overwhelming at times.

It’s great that you’re recognizing the pattern—that pre-planning your calories might be leading to feelings of restriction, which then sparks the urge to binge. This is a common cycle in experiencing it.

One thing to consider is finding a balance that feels less restrictive and more sustainable for you. Sometimes, being too rigid with calorie counting can create pressure that leads to those “why not just eat whatever?” thoughts. Instead of strict rules, try allowing yourself some flexibility with your eating. Perhaps consider healthier alternatives like nuts or fresh fruits? It might help to focus on nourishing your body rather than restricting it.

As for the exercise, if you’re finding that your current routine feels more like a chore than something you enjoy, it might be worth exploring different forms of movement that are fun and less stressful. Exercise should feel good, not like an obligation. Have you tried working out with a buddy?

If you ever feel like you’re struggling to manage this on your own, talking to a professional or nutritionist, could be really helpful. They can work with you to create a plan that’s healthier and more sustainable for your mind and body.

You’re doing the right thing by seeking advice and being honest about what’s going on. Keep being kind to yourself as you navigate this—finding a balance is a journey, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time. Let us know how you feel?