Is this helping

Don’t be a fixer
Don’t solve issues
But then you realize just being there and being a listener …
Probably keeps the person alive but just alive.
The problems that you listen to are vicious cycles and you know them.
It’s just like you’re extending lifespan.
It that helping just by letting them have time to finally figure out one day?

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That’s deep, @Prince1709. I think a big factor is whether the person wants our help or just wants us to listen. I’m a firm believer that a person must want to be helped before they can actually be helped.

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Agree with @Jaws , if the person don’t want to be helped/not in the right mind space, there’s very less things we can do. With that being said, don’t close both your eyes on everything. Of course, along the way provide some guidance and advice for them to get out of their problems. This reminded me of an analogy - teach the poor how to fish instead of just giving them a fish (something along the lines…)

I think it’s important to ask ourselves - really what more can we do to help them? Are we doing our best to help them? If we are, then really what more can we do for them? Of course, it’s not a nice feeling at all to see people suffer and fall into the ‘trap’ but it’s not like we can play god and just make it not happen. Just my thoughts…

Thanks! That sentence helps a lot. And very true that is.

The thing is… to what extent to help. When to draw the boundaries

@Prince1709 I think I would try my best but then stop and draw boundaries when I feel that my well-being is compromised. Anyway, just my personal opinion not a general guide or rule of thumb