I dont even know how to explain 😭

Basically, im lost, i hate myself, i dont want to continue, yet i want to live on. I dont see any light for the future. And i dont know what to do, or how I should do it, or should i even do anything at all. i’ve tried for the past few years. Taking advice from some others as well as professionals. Yet its just a repetition and it ends up turning even worse. I want someone to kinda advice me as to me what i can do to get my ■■■■ together. Also , for more backstory ive posted on the Hangouts as a rant as well :joy:.for explanation

Hi @Some0ne,

I’m so sorry to hear that things feel overwhelming right now. :people_hugging:

I’ve responded to your post Hellhole fr and shared a few strategies for you to consider.

Can I invite you to try Feel More Control

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