I need help and I dont know what to do

I need help, I’m going through a really bad breakup. I lost the person I used to share my whole life with. Things are really tough right now, I’m getting worse day by day. I don’t think I’ll ever be okay… Unless he comes back and i hope he comes back one day. I have no one to share how I feel. There’s no one there for me really. I’m just at my worst

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Hi Jana

Thank you for your courage to seek help. What you are experiencing is truly painful and sad.
I would like to share with you that your emotions you are describing are completely understandable and the feeling of loss, aloneness and helplessness is undeniable.

I hope the following helps :heart:

a)Allow yourself to grieve and seek professional support to guide you through this. Speak with a counsellor who can help you process your emotions, listen non-judgmentally and be present with you. Feel heard and understood and allow the counsellor to partner and journey with you.
b)Self-care. Schedule time for yourself - do activities you enjoy, exercise, eat nutritious food, read and rest.
c)Journal. Write down your feelings, thoughts and reflections.
d)Be kind to yourself. Do not blame yourself unnecessarily, because this will only hurt yourself further.
e)Accept that the relationship has run its course. Reflect on the positives, and the silver lining, how it has benefited you. Slowly and gently accept that you have done all that you could which was within your control.
f)Focus on the present. Plan each day and do activities you need to, which includes those which bring you joy. Setting up a routine can help you establish some form of normalcy.
g)Widen your circle of friends and take up new hobbies involving others where you can rebuild your relationship skills.
h)Write down your accomplishments and remind yourself of your self worth, which is in your own hands.

Healing will take time, and it is important to feel your emotions. With psychological flexibility, make room for these emotions, process them and accept them. Slowly, the pain will subside. it will take time, so be gentle to yourself every day. Please take care .:heart:


I’m trying to do some of that but it really feels hard right now. Especially when I don’t really have someone to share this with. I’m starting to regret everything and I feel that the only way I’ll feel better is when he gets back. It’s hard to do anything when I cry everyday in silence. It feels like the world’s falling apart right now. I lost taste in everything, and I just miss him. I wish could just feel better again


for every year that you’ve been with him, grieve for a month.

after that, pick up the pieces and carry on living.


We’ve been together for a year, it has been 2 months since we have talked… But I’m still not okay. Is this normal that I’m feeling my lowest?

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everyone experiences emotions differently. you happen to be those who feel deeply and strongly.

don’t be too bothered about what’s normal - what’s normal for one may not be normal for others.

what’s normal is feeling sad or despair when a loving relationship has ended.