Job search is tough

Hi, just wanna rant… As a job seeker right now who also has taken a long career break but still has no idea what i wanna do (altho i kinda exaggerated saying i am clear but is just to get job, in fact i am still confused as I spent my days lying on bed scrolling tiktok)

But anyways back to topic of job search, while I understand why the purpose of an application form, personality test and all but i really have no idea why companies keep asking us to fill an application form when I have already sent a resume. And worse is if I do not gurantee the job interview even… I find it frustrating that recruitment processes requires us to fill like not so useful application form when number 1, i have submitted a resume and number 2 I might not even gurantee an interview slot. I wouldnt be so negative about this if I have an interview opportunity but nopes. Especially why do i need to fill up my family details when i am not even an employee in the company yet like err. And i would be glad if they reply me whether if i got the job instead of leaving me standing on the cliff waiting to jump down.

Hais i get that feeling like aint even an automated reply saying that you didnt get the job sometimes it gets annoying :confused: but i guess sometimes we gotta take things into our own hands and email in to ask. At least if its a job we really want we know that we have tried :disappointed_relieved: