Jobs… stress… student.. unemployment… help

hi all i didn’t really know what to name this hence the strange title.

basically i was working at a warehouse since 14 jan and today got a text from my recruiter saying the warehouse company said my last day is 31 jan (contract said 8 mar) today is 27 jan im supposed to work until end feb/first week of mar upon parents’ requests. (i have smt on from mar to may)

told my dad jn that i got fired and asked if i cld js be unemployed and focus on my small biz as i haven’t had time to work on it cos As and then now work. he was unreasonable (as always) and gave me a hard no told me not to make excuses and said he wants me to work in the real world blah blah all that nonsense and learn things in real life settings blah blah blah on and on. i tried arguing with him realised it was going nowhere and cld feel tears in my eyes so i ran out of the room and now idk what to do. there’s no jobs hiring for one month and if they are they got some funny requirements like food health cert needed or idk what la.

bottom line is i really dw work tbh im done w working i js wanna chill a bit all my friends seem to be chilling or at least working like very very flexible part time jobs not like 5/6 day a week kind yk (my current job is 6) like they can still have free days to go out and stuff i also wanna do that but idk why he’s being so unreasonable idk how to convince him i js wanna run away or kms :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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@manda1 It sounds like you’re going through a tough and frustrating time. I can sense how overwhelmed you’re feeling—dealing with the unexpected end of your job, wanting to focus on your small business, and navigating the tension with your dad. It’s clear you’ve been juggling a lot, and all you’re asking for now is a bit of space to breathe and focus on something that matters to you. That’s completely valid.

As for your dad, I wonder if he’s coming from a place of worry or his own past experiences. Maybe something happened in his life or career that shaped his view of why “real-world” work is so important, especially at your age. It’s possible he’s projecting his fears onto you, even if it’s not fair or feels unreasonable. If you’re able to, maybe you could ask him about why this is such a priority for him or what he hopes you’ll gain from it. Sometimes understanding where someone is coming from can help us approach the situation differently.

But at the same time, your feelings matter too. You deserve to feel heard and supported in the decisions you want to make for yourself. Running a small business is no small feat—it’s real-world experience too, just in a different form. Maybe reframing it that way could help your dad see it as valuable experience too?

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Your dad’s probably coming from a place of wanting you to be “responsible” or “prepared for the real world” but it doesn’t mean he’s right or that his way is the only way.

You do have a plan and you’re not just bumming around. Your small business probably takes a lot of effort, and honestly taking a breather before your next commitment in March isn’t that unreasonable.

Maybe instead of convincing him, you focus on what you want. Can you compromise by picking up a super flexible gig, just to keep the peace, while secretly prioritizing your business? Or just take this time to recharge and figure things out quietly? Your well-being matters too. And if you need space to breathe, that’s valid too.

Hi @manda1, thanks for reaching out.

It must be incredibly frustrating and stressful to feel like you’re constantly in conflict with your dad’s expectations while also navigating job uncertainties. It’s totally understandable that you’d want some time to focus on your small business, especially after working hard through your As and your current job. Wanting a breather and some flexibility is a very human need, especially when you see your friends managing to have that balance.

Being told to conform to a “real-world” experience can feel dismissive when what you’re seeking is a genuine opportunity to pursue something meaningful to you. I can see why running your small business is important - it’s about investing in something that gives you purpose and fulfilment. Trying to communicate this to your dad might feel like hitting a wall, and that’s tough.

It’s important to give yourself grace and acknowledge how you feel—your feelings are valid. Take some time to breathe and focus on what really matters to you. Maybe you can think about presenting your plans to your dad in a way that shows your commitment and potential growth in your business. Sometimes, sharing concrete goals and timelines can help bridge that understanding gap. But for now, it’s okay to prioritize your mental health and take things one step at a time. You’ve got this.

What a crap warehouse company they never honour the contract! and

That’s a horrible response from yr dad. I get it, mine too was criticising blah blah during a time when i had tried but dw to stay on at some toxic jobs. i was freelancing some online site jobs, but old folks don’t acknowledge we young doing the gig economy stuff.
Wow but that’s good u have small biz!

[quote=“manda1, post:1, topic:20208”]
i really dw work tbh im done w working i js wanna chill a bit all my friends seem to be chilling or at least working like very very flexible part time jobs
[/quote] Yea since you’ve studied hard these feelings are valid. Would your mum or another trusted adult be able to suppt u, like reason w him on yr behalf?