I have been suffering from quite a number of panic attacks of late. Always feeling anxious like something bad is going to happen. I portray a calm and relax demeanour in front of my family and friends but my state of mind is haywire to say the least.
I just suffered an episode of sudden panic attack 10mins before this post.
Hey @hkm omg that must have been so scary, I’m so sorry that you went through that. I hope by this timing you are feeling better. Of course I would definitely suggest to visit a professional for this issue, but I’m sure you may know already.
It must be suffering to be anxious all the time, and even more for a panic attack woah. I do salute to your ability to portray a calm and relax appearance in front of others, which is no easy feat definitely. Just wanted to point out that you are so strong for enduring those attacks again and again, as I can’t imagine how scary that would be.
I do hope that you have managed to get the help you need, but remember we are here for you as well and our counsellors are also available on this platform! I’m open to hearing any updates from you, sorry it took long for me to notice this…
I did went to seek professional help some months ago. The counsellor mentioned my panic attacks and anxieties stemmed from being too stressful from work matters. I just need to learn how to strike a balance when facing a stressful situation. But as you might know, its easier said than done.
I’m trying to take things slow at the moment and do regular exercises to try to eradicate the anxiousness in me.
Hi @hkm Glad to hear that you have seek professional help, hope your therapist is supporting you well. Work can be stressful indeed and I am also going much stress now…I like how you said about striking a balance, but I do find it hard most of the time (I constantly keep myself busy for no reason haha)
I’m also glad to see you have decided to take things slow at the moment and exercise seems like a good idea! What exercises are you doing? I personally tried Cardio and Dance and it does help me boost my happy hormones.
Hi @Enie, I happen to have a home gym setup with some pull-up bars, dumbbells, an abs contraption thingy, a yoga mat, an exercise ball, kettlebells and the like. So I did my own circuit training. As for cardio, I love to go for long brisk walks with an average distance of 5 km to 10 km.
But the most important for me right now is my diet. Decided to change my diet around 4 years ago and I haven’t looked back since.
Hi @hkm woah, that’s quite the set of equipment you have there, impressive indeed! Love the dedication you have to improve your whole lifestyle as a whole. Brisk walks seem like a good idea too, maybe I’ll try it as well.
Hi @Enie, I used to eat junk food, had a sweet tooth and loved full-flavoured stuff. I ate without caring what time of the day it was. And without realising it, the scales were showing 82kg and mind you I am only 1.7m tall.
Initially, I tried to exercise but it didn’t seem to work as my diet was somewhat the same. So I decided to do some research on the internet and came across the phrase “You are what you eat.”. From that moment on, I began to prepare a well-balanced meal with a proportionate amount of carbs, greens and protein. I also stopped consuming sugar, minimised the salt and started eating different kinds of fruits. Dining out was not an option too.
Then I came across another phrase which goes along the lines of “Try not to eat foods that your ancestors would not recognise.” What the message was trying to convey was to stop eating processed foods like nuggets, hotdogs and the like. So I added those processed foods to my ‘do not eat’ list.
I also try to get a decent amount of sleep around the same time every day.
Aside from all these, I added multivitamins and fish oil supplements into my daily routine.
One thing for sure is that it was HARD. But I told myself if I do this long enough, it will become a habit and second nature to me.
Glad I stuck with that. Now I weigh 61kg and never looked better in my life.
@hkm WOW Thank you so much for sharing with me, it must have been a reallyy really hard process (I can’t even imagine because I often fail to stick to diet goals I set). And the amount of detail you put into planning and improving your health, in terms of so many aspects, respect!! I like the mindset of “You are what you eat.”, does quite show it on myself…
I’m glad that you have a much healthier lifestyle now and keep thriving for a better version of yourself, that strength is very admirable. I hope I can take your determination with me in life as well, so I can become a better version of myself as well.
I hope you would keep it up and I see that fire in you. With this, I believe you can overcome your panic attacks as soon as possible as you have that strong mindset. Thanks again for sharing with me, really appreciate it!
Hi @Enie. Like the famous saying, “If Yen can cook, so can you!”. I truly believe everyone has it in us to be a better version of ourselves. We just need to find something that inspires us. Find that moment of trigger.
Also thank you for your kind and encouraging words. Fighting anxiety is probably my biggest battle to date. I am just taking it step by step and day by day. Allowing me to express myself here on this platform is really a great help. Thank you again for spending the time and effort to reply to my thoughts.
Hi @hkm Love the positive vibes we have here in the end and You’re welcome! I’m just glad we can be here supporting one another on these problems. I’m proud of you taking a step everyday to fight this hard battle of anxiety, it just shows how strong and determined you are. Feel free to come back and chat here anytime for updates, it was lovely to chat with you Hope the best for you!