Hey everyone just wanna share some of my reflections from oil painting
Overall it was an interesting experience and I’m glad I tried it regardless of how well I did for the class
Here are some things I have learnt:
It’s okay to make mistakes, take a break and come back to fix it when you are ready. For oil painting it is more forgiving when a mistake is made you can always paint over and redo the parts which you feel can be done btr.
It’s okay to ask for help too, tbh without the help of my lecturer I couldnt have improved my understanding of colours and my painting wouldnt have been what it is now.
While I was painting my landscape I kept focusing on getting as much details as possible that I forgot about the bigger picture. So the lesson learnt from this is that some times you have to take a step back to see how much progress you have made.
That’s all for now heh I’m looking forward to starting my next painting when I have the time heh
Meanwhile I’m curious to know what have you guys have learnt from art