Any bootcamps to become a counsellor or therapist? Or anything closest to it?

Hoping the price to be low too. Looking for alternative careers since i dont like mine

Hello @user1138, from my understanding, you typically have to go through an accredited programme to become a counsellor or therapist. Most employers would probably want their counsellor to have a diploma/degree/postgrad in the field to have confidence in their abilities to provide therapy for patients/clients.

This is a good article providing information on becoming a counsellor:

Would you like to share why you are interested in becoming a counsellor? I think it is great you have come to realise that your current career may not be suitable for you. Wondering if you have explored other options which may also be a fit based on your skills and interest. WSG has some programmes to help people identify suitable careers which you may be keen to explore - Career Advisory & Coaching | Career Development Counseling SG

Hope you eventually find what brings you joy at work @user1138!