Want to seek therapy but unsure where to start.

Currently a student trying to find therapy options which are affordable so far I checked most are above the $200 range per session which is way out of my budget of $100 or less per session.

Some context:
I feel like I’ve recently been dealing with alot of self doubt and at times feel alone and anxious. I’ve tried to ground myself when I can sense that I’m feeling anxious (ie: increased heart rate and like slight tightness of the heart) but I’m just afraid in the long run I might not be able to control or it may get worse.

A couple of weeks back I also had thoughts of what it felt like to drown and even further back last year had thoughts of what it would feel like to get hit by a car. I don’t think its suicidal but I don’t know why when things are down for me it sometimes lead to those thoughts.

I don’t really want to tell anyone close to me like my family as 1) I don’t want them to worry and 2) I feel like its hard for them to understand as well.

Been to councilling at SAMH before last year for about 5 sessions thus knowing some grounding techniques but it ended after 5 sessions as at that point of time I thought I was ok afterwards. However these negative thoughts and feelings of self doubt and worry seem to be resurfacing and I’m afraid it would get worse.

That’s all for now thanks for reading!

Dear @anonymous120 ,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your struggles with us. It sounds like you’re facing a challenging time, and I appreciate you sharing your concerns. It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed with self-doubt, anxiety, and these troubling thoughts. It’s good that you’re aware of your symptoms and have tried grounding techniques to manage anxiety when it arises. Well done! :clap:t4: :clap:t4:

Here are some options for your consideration:

I’m really glad to hear that you’re willing to go for therapy to help uncover the root causes of your unhelpful thoughts before things becomes worse. While you wait to schedule your appointment, you may also want to check out these resources for yourself:

Managing Feelings & Emotions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs-MyQgfH3A
Circle Of Control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9zwduYp9G0

Defeating the Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) in Your Head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ohWaUttsE

I hope the above has been helpful and if you’d like more resources or if there is anything else you’d like to share with us, please do. We’re here to listen to you, your feelings are valid and you matter! :grinning:

Take care,
Cool Breeze =)