Feeling sad in a neutral/happy setting

I feel sadness for no apparent reason… heart so heavy it feels like like a huge rock weighing it down. I could be listening to a jolly song, or reading something really exciting… I can’t comprehend what’s happening :smiling_face_with_tear:

Hi @user1096

Thank you for coming to share with us about how you are feeling. It must be tough and challenging to go through this. And it takes courage to open up about what you’re going through, so I really want to commend you for your bravery. At this moment, it does sounds concerning and I wonder how you have been coping so far.

Would you be able to share more with us about when you started feeling this way and whether you went through any life adjustments or difficult situations that made you feel this way?

Also, is there someone you can talk to about your worries? Sometimes talking to people can be helpful, whether it is a trusted family member or a professional. During low points of life, it is most important to seek connection with people for emotional support. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and I believe that there are people around you who genuinely care for you and want to be support you in this.

If you are open to seeing a professional, here are some options you can consider:

SOS - 1767

Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) - 1800-283 7019


Care Corner Counselling Centre - 1800-353 5800

Meanwhile, here are some additional resources for you to consider: Rescue Sessions | mindline.sg Learning Paths | mindline.sg [Mental Support & Wellbeing Resources in Singapore to Improve Your Mental Health | mindline.sg](https://Feel More Control )

I want to affirm you again for your courage in reaching out. Please remember that you are not alone in this, and there is support available for you. Regardless of how you choose to seek support, I encourage you to not give up on yourself and I hope things get better for you soon.

Would like to hear more from you, do take care.

im not too sure what exactly youre feeling, but it sounds like you might be feeling apprehensive, if there is nth obviously wrong to you?
sometimes, we are in such a stressful world, even moments of peace and quiet can induce stress cos we anticipate moments of stress upcoming in our life since we are so used to it. >< i feel like that might often stem from some concerns you have subconsciously in your mind and life, in areas such as work, personal life, family, friends, or any other aspects of your life. can you think of anything might be subtly stressing you out?
i also learn it takes conscious practice to experience positive feelings too, like practising mindfulness~ so we lead our mind and body into a relax state while youre doing relaxing activities, so we can actually experience the goodness in the moment. maybe this can possibly help tooooo :people_hugging: