Having negative thoughts and self doubt

I am in my mid 30s and only graduated from graphic design in 2020 when covid hits the hardest. I have 4 years of graphic design experience but they are only 1 year each. It was either from low pay, toxic boss, company close down, etc.

Recently I kind of hit rock bottom. The company I had joined 6 months ago, told that I am bad at my job and if I do not improve within these 2 months, I will be terminated. My BTO just arrived and I really need the job but I am experiencing anxiety attack every time I have to leave for work. I tried to improve myself by continuously watching design videos to help improve my skills but I realised the outcomes I’ve produced went from bad to worse. I am very lost and do not know what to do…

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Dear Having.bad.days

Thank you for the courage in reaching out for support. It is indeed a challenging situation that you are experiencing and your feelings of overwhelm, and anxiety are fully understandable and valid. :heart: With the new home, job security is extra important and the fear of being jobless is unsettling. Please do not feel alone, I believe you can overcome and get out of the current rock bottom.

May I suggest to:

Recognize and Manage Your Anxiety
Acknowledge that you are experiencing anxiety and that it’s a normal response to a stressful situation. I agree that anxiety attacks are scary indeed. Fortunately, they are non-threatening, manageable and can be overcome.

I suggest slowing down when you mindfully realise the lump in the throat or any sensations that are common signals of a possible oncoming anxiety attack. Ground yourself by feeling your feet into the ground and bring yourself back into the present moment. Be mindful of your thoughts and focus them on the present moment instead. Notice 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can smell, 2 things you can touch and one thing you can taste. Notice any racing thoughts and acknowledge them but mindfully return to the present moment, letting the thoughts be in the background. Don’t fuse with these thoughts, hold them loosely and revert focus on the present moment and what you are doing.

When we remain anxious, our thinking brain goes offline and this robs us of the opportunity to think through rationally. Hence, it will be important to centre and ground yourself as this can bring the thinking brain online.

Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or taking short breaks when you feel anxious. Go for a walk, listen to calming music, or do a quick stretching routine.

Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. Talking about your feelings can help put things in perspective.

Improve Your Skills Gradually
Focus on improving one or two key skills at a time rather than trying to learn everything at once. Identify areas you want to strengthen and make a plan.

Break down big projects into smaller, manageable tasks so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Celebrate small wins along the way.

Ask your manager or a mentor for specific feedback on how you can improve. They may be able to provide guidance on areas you were not aware of.

Take Care of Yourself
Make sure you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. Taking care of your physical health supports your mental wellbeing.

Set boundaries and prioritize self-care. Don’t overcommit or work excessive hours. Build in time for hobbies and relaxation.

Celebrate your successes, even small ones. Recognize your progress and don’t dwell on setbacks. You’ve got this!

Remember, anxiety is common in the graphic design field, but with self-compassion, a plan, and support, you can navigate this challenge. Focus on progress, not perfection. Wishing you all the best in your career journey! :heart:

@CaringBee sorry can you edit and remove my name, i thought i had to put my IRL name for this… anyway, I dont exactly have a mentor. So when I first joined, I was expecting there would be guidance but 1 month into joining, my manager got fired. There isn’t anyone else to guide me. I am constantly being told my design is not good but wasnt really pointed where or how to improve. I’m really trying one step at a time but time is something I do not have. By the end of September if I don’t produce good and constant design, that is it for me. I will lose my job.

Hi Having. bad.days

Thank you for letting me know.

I have edited your name as requested.

Also I’m sad to hear that you have been left on your own and not given any guidance. Neither have you received feedback on what aspect of your work needs improvement so that you can act in it. That is indeed a tough situation to be in.

Are there colleagues or ex classmates you can turn to for guidance and feedback on your designs?

During this tough period, Please be kind to yourself, and I encourage an optimistic and forward looking mindset. Consider resources such as :
- Design tutorials and courses (e.g., Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, YouTube)
- Design communities and forums (e.g., Behance, Dribbble, Reddit)
- AI tools

Speak to your family and with their support, proactively explore alternative opportunities that have more structured development and guidance.

Keep going, you fully deserve a good work place where you are valued and there is growth. I believe you are determined and capable and can overcome this. :heart: