How do I deal with violent, intrusive thoughts?

Recently, for the past week or so, I’ve been dealing with intrusive thoughts of hurting people around my social circle, especially those I care for the most. While the last week or so, I have fought them off handily, they are damn tiring to deal with. For some context, I have a lot to do per week. Band practice, a lot of tuition classes and extra classes my parents send me to, and a lot of schoolwork, next Wednesday being my assessment. I also have a horrid sleep schedule of around 5 hours per night. Is there any link between them?


Hey there. Recently, I have been suffering from something similar to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, specifically Harm OCD. I always fear that one day my intrusive thoughts will take over and I will harm others physically. Besides this, I’m anxious and feel especially helpless this week. I have been doing the things I like frequently, and I don’t feel sad or demotivated about most of my hobbies. But, talking to people is hard now because I’m afraid that I may grow an obsession with them or even start having intrusive thoughts of hurting them. I have come on this site because I can’t afford a psychologist on the internet and have never told anybody about this yet. What do I do to control my thoughts and feel happier?

Here’s a bit about me so things can be more clear:

  • I’m a class leader in secondary school, who has something on every day.
  • I come home late on Wednesdays and Saturdays because of it.
  • I am not that social to begin with.
  • When I’m in an argument, I tend to be on the losing side since many people will support the person opposing me for whatever reason.
  • People say I’m too critical/judgemental of others.

Hi @LucasLillie

Thank you for sharing with us your worries, I hear you and I’m really sorry to hear that you’ve been struggling with intrusive thoughts like this. It sounds incredibly distressing and exhausting to have to battle against them, especially when you have so much on your plate already. It’s understandable that with your busy schedule and lack of sleep, you might be feeling overwhelmed and finding it harder to manage these thoughts.

There can definitely be a link between intrusive thoughts and stress, lack of sleep, and overwhelming schedules. When we’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, our minds can become more susceptible to intrusive or negative thoughts. It’s like our brain’s way of trying to process everything we’re dealing with, but sometimes it can manifest in unhelpful ways.

It’s important to prioritize your mental health and well-being, especially during times like these. Finding ways to manage your stress and improve your sleep schedule could potentially help alleviate some of the intensity of these intrusive thoughts.

Are there any strategies you’ve tried in the past that have helped you cope with stress or improve your sleep? It might be worth exploring those options again or seeking support from a trusted adult or mental health professional who can provide support too. It might be helpful to seek the support of your school counsellor and perhaps get more ideas and strategies on how to manage each of those components (e.g. sleep, stress) better.

Please know that we are here to support you too - you’re not alone! Let us know how you’re coping so far? Hear from you soon.


Hey there @LucasLillie, thanks for sharing your story. Did you get these intrusive thoughts only in the past week or have you always felt like this? Were there any triggers? And when you get these thoughts, what did you imagine yourself doing?

Also sharing @cottonsoul’s latest post - Managing Intrusive Thoughts

@LucasLillie, you might find this helpful!

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Hi @LucasLillie thanks for sharing your personal story. I’m not a mental health professional, but it’s crucial to acknowledge the distress you’re feeling. Intrusive thoughts and anxiety can be challenging, especially with a busy schedule and lack of sleep. While it’s positive that you’re engaging in activities you enjoy, seeking support from a mental health professional is essential. Many therapists offer affordable options, and reaching out to them can provide guidance tailored to your situation. In the meantime, prioritize self-care, consider relaxation techniques, and ensure you get enough rest. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone, and professional help can make a significant difference. If you’re in crisis, reach out to a mental health helpline or emergency services for immediate support. Take care. :orange_heart: