How do I learn to be alone?

To not need human connection, because I want what I am doomed to never have. To get along with my awfully flawed, deplorable self and just plug on in quiet desperation (rather than this noisy, woe-is-me unhappiness that I’m a master practitioner of) till I can finally leave this sorrowful, wretched existence behind.

To cut away the psychobabble and pseudo-eloquence: how do I learn to be a socio-emotional hermit?

Hi @BBFA. I find your perspective quite interesting and I would like to hear more! :thinking:

What situations/experiences made you feel the desire to stop social interactions? Are you feeling overwhelmed or drained from current social interactions? What do you wish to gain from being completely alone?

I think what sets us apart from plants or objects is that humans are inherently and unapologetically social beings. So I think it’s important to reflect and consider your intentions, triggers, and goals from withdrawing from social interactions.

Perhaps you can try reconnecting with your hobbies, finding new experiences, eating out alone, going on walks alone to recharge. Along the way, note down the pros and cons of these experiences and weigh them against having social interaction/companionships.

Because I bloody suck at social skills and I’m tired of trying.