How do you define "Self-Care"?

Hey everyone! How have you been so far? :slight_smile:

Today, I want to talk a little bit about the idea of “Self-care”.

Self-care is such an important topic, especially for us young folks juggling school, friends, and life in general. But what does self-care really mean to you? :thinking:

For some, it’s about hitting pause on a busy day to breathe and relax. Maybe it’s treating yourself to a favorite snack or spending quality time with friends and family. Others find self-care in hobbies like gaming, art, or even just taking a walk to clear your mind.

Here’s a fun way to look at it: Imagine your ideal self-care routine as a meme. What would it look like? :art::massage_man: Share your thoughts, maybe drop a meme/picture or two that perfectly captures your idea of self-care!

So friends, how do you practice self-care, and what tips do you have for your fellow forum members?

Can’t wait to hear from you all! :star2:

PS: Here’s one meme that totally encapsulates my thoughts on self-care :stuck_out_tongue:


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Hi everyone!

Did you know that animals also engage in self-care too?! Cats groom themselves to relax and dogs often roll in the grass to scratch their backs and relax!

Here are a few other interesting and fun facts about self-care! :arrow_down:

  • The term “self-care” was originally coined in the medical field in the 1950s to help patients with chronic illnesses manage their health.
  • Finland has a tradition called “Kalsarikännit,” which translates to “pantsdrunk.” It’s the practice of relaxing at home in your underwear with no intention of going out—a quirky take on self-care!
  • Many ancient cultures, such as the Greeks and Romans, practiced forms of self-care, including bathing rituals, massages, and leisure activities to promote well-being.
  • The Japanese practice of “Shinrin-yoku,” or forest bathing, involves immersing oneself in a forest environment to reduce stress and improve health.

What are some other interesting ways that you’ve heard of (or know) about self-care? :massage_woman: :massage_man: :person_getting_massage:

The meme/ photo scared me hahaha


But that aside,

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