How does taking care of myself help me?

Hey everyone! :wave:t2:

Hope y’all doing well this week! Today I wanna talk a bit about how taking care of ourselves can help us! I’m sure you’ve heard of how important it is to get enough sleep, and to get regular exercise, and to eat healthily, etc. so I’ll be sharing why people are telling you to get enough sleep, and to get regular exercise, and to eat healthily, etc. :grin:

First up, sleep. Restful sleep works to consolidate our memories, and is good to set us up for the optimal state of learning that requires a state of proper alertness.

Next up, exercise. Physical activity is closely related to increased neural networks in the brain, sending oxygen there, as well as enhancing memory. A good exercise routine is essential in improving brain development and cognitive functioning.

Lastly, food. There is an important relationship between high-quality nutrition and the development of learning processes such as attention, memory, language, etc.

What do y’all think? It’s not just about breaking sweat and naps as there’s actual benefits to our brain in terms of attention, memory and learning! :mag: Looking forward to hearing more from y’all about this and do share any questions you have about self-care! Until then, take care! :smiley: