How to not 钻牛角尖 and develop common sense?

Hi earthlings! Wondering how do you stop 钻牛角尖 like in English means to obsess over trivial details or to be stubbornly fixated on minor issues ! (1st question)I wanted to ask myself this qn like when did I 钻牛角尖, then the ans is nth. Then I kept asking the qn for 3 times. Is this 钻牛角尖 ?! (2nd qn) And also if I prayed then I pray again is this 钻牛角尖 ?(3rd qn) Okay, last qn. If I want to develop common sense how? What to do? Cos my dad says that I have no common sense:((

Hey @Salmoncake I can see you’ve been thinking a lot about this, and honestly, it’s great that you’re reflecting and trying to make sense of things. About 钻牛角尖, I think it’s something all of us do sometimes—we get stuck in loops because we’re trying so hard to figure things out or make the “right” choice. Asking yourself the same question three times isn’t necessarily being fixated—it’s just you processing. Maybe just take a breath, remind yourself it’s okay not to have all the answers, and let your mind rest for a bit.

I feel that praying is just you trying to find peace and connection. It’s not about doing it once or twice—it’s about what feels right for you. If praying more helps you feel calmer, that’s what matters.

As for common sense, first off, don’t let your dad’s comment get you down too much. “Common sense” is really just experience and figuring things out over time. Nobody knows everything right away, and learning is part of life. You’re already curious and reflecting, which is how you grow. Trust yourself—you’re doing better than you think. I would say one thing I learned on getting common sense is start by observing how others approach situations, asking questions, and thinking through the practical steps of solving everyday problems. That way, I would understand what is common sense to others and what is common sense to me (note that everyone has different common sense! so don’t worry too much if you don’t understand others - it happens!)

Regardless, I do try to stop myself sometimes to not be fixated on minor issues. I tend to ask myself, “Will this matter in a week? A month? A year?” If the answer is no, it might be worth letting it go. Jotting your thoughts down can help break that cycle of overthinking.

Take it easy on yourself, okay? You’re asking good questions and trying, and that’s what counts.