I feel like dying

so right, i had a lot of time to revise for my end of year exams and like i took things easy and was SUPER LAZY

but rn, i feel so angry and frustrated with myself, i wasted all those days and was never productive
End of years are in like 5 days and im super worried for myself because i don’t feel confident for any of my subjects and i really feel like crying rn because i jsut realised i never actually studied properly
i hate myself sm​:sob::sob:
anyways i need desperate advice to help myself put aside distractions and actually start studying😭

i feel so stressed rn and reallly hopeless

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Well, I was in your position before and I learnt things the hard way by retaining a year of studies. However, it’s not the end, you still have 5 days and just try your best to cram as much as possible. Study in short bursts of 15min for each chapters and take a 5 minute break, and repeat. If you managed to at least pass for the year, take this as a lesson learnt and not to take your time for granted. All the best and good luck for your exams

thanks for your encouraging words​:pray::sob:

Hello @ididsobad :wave:t2:! Thanks for sharing how you’re feeling! I believe you’re not the only one who experiences this, you’re not alone! However, I think what you can do now is to try your best to revise as much as you can before your exams start. Although you might feel bad about not revising before that time has passed and, sadly we can’t turn back the time… Try your best and work hard for these few days!! It will be over sooner than you imagine.

Some tips to help you concentrate or be more productive would be to set a timetable for yourself (realistic ones). Additionally, if the phone is a distraction for you, try out an application called “Forest”, it can be therapeutic ngl :wink:

Hey @ididsobad , I totally get how you’re feeling right now—it’s so frustrating when you look back and feel like you’ve wasted time, but it’s good that you’re realising it now rather than later! It’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed, especially when exams are so close, but don’t be too hard on yourself. What’s done is done, and beating yourself up won’t help—it’s time to focus on what you can do from here. :sweat_smile:

Perhaps you could try to make a simple plan by breaking down what you need to cover over the next few days into smaller, manageable chunks. That way, it won’t feel so overwhelming. Try focusing on one subject or topic at a time, even if it’s just for an hour or two. You don’t need to be perfect, just aim to make steady progress.

Remember, it’s not about cramming everything but making the most of the time you have left. You’ve got this — just take it one step at a time, and don’t forget to take deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed. You’re stronger than you think!

Jiayou!! :blush:

(post deleted by author)

thanks for your advice💗🫶🏻

thank you😭🫶🏻 i will try my best

Hi ididsobad

Thank you for courageously sharing your experiences. Please know that many of us have faced similar feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed about upcoming exams and that your feelings though painful are valid and surprisingly common.

The first step to overcome this is by choosing to take charge of the remaining 5 days you have instead of thinking about the past. Please do not be too discouraged, you can make a change☺️ and be better prepared for the exams. Here are some immediate actions to take:

  1. Create a study schedule: Make a realistic plan for the next 5 days, allocating specific times for each subject.
  2. Prioritize: Focus on the most critical topics and chapters.
  3. Eliminate distractions and be a time detective.
    • Turn off notifications.
    • Log out of social media.
    • Find a quiet study space.
  4. Study in intervals: 25-minute focused study + 5-minute break.
  5. Get support: Share your concerns with friends, family, or a teacher.
  6. Self care: Eat wisely, sleep on time and exercise.

To motivate yourself:

  1. Visualize success: Imagine yourself acing your exams.
  2. Remind yourself of your goals: Why are you working hard?
  3. Celebrate small wins: Reward yourself for each achievement.

Remember it is not over yet, you are in control and can still make a difference by taking positive action towards your goals. Start now and don’t look back. You have got this! :heart: