I feel like I don’t want to be helped

I feel like I have no one to rely on but even if I do I just don’t want anyone to feel pity or sympathy for me. I don’t want anyone to help me. Is this even normal? I think I actually need help but I genuinely don’t want any help I don’t know how to describe this who do I even go to for this

understandable. professional help is the way to go, they are paid to professionally help you. They teach you on how to help yourself, so that u r equipped to help urself if future problems arrive

hello @sentobread! I just want to affirm to you that you are not the only one who is facing this issue. I understand that sometimes we just want to be independent, etc. Some days I feel like I just want to do it myself, be independent, and don’t want anyone else to help or pity me. It’s completely fine, and don’t feel pressured for others to help if you’re not ready to. The ready side of you will also not come immediately; therefore, take small steps at a time. Allow people to help you with small or basic tasks first before jumping into big ones.

Dear @sentobread

I want to affirm that the conflict you feel on whether to seek help is fully understandable. Many people have had this same experience at some point. I would describe it as feeling incredibly isolated and stuck but at the same time, I believe you feel you don’t deserve help. You may also be worrying that by sharing your pain, you would trouble and burden others.

May I gently suggest that when there is a lot going on, it’s ok to take your time in figuring out next steps. That push-pull feeling between wanting help and resisting it is something a lot of people go through, and it’s more common than you might think. It’s normal to feel conflicted—part of you wants to handle things on your own, but then there’s another part that knows you could benefit from support.

When you shared that you don’t want pity, that too is completely understandable. A lot of us feel that way at times; it’s hard to accept help when you feel like others might view you as weak or “needy.” But may I also gently offer the view that reaching out for support doesn’t make you less strong —it’s a tiny step toward taking care of yourself. I believe you may be surprised on how many people around you care and will gladly step up.

You don’t have to have all the answers right now, but acknowledging that you might need some guidance or a sounding board is already a good step. Whenever you are ready, take that first step. We will be here too to offer support. :yellow_heart:

i think it’s very normal to feel this way :sweat: we all need support and connection but its incredibly hard to seek support from people and i don’t think anyone wants to feel pitied :frowning: while it’s hard to find, it is possible to be supported without being pitied!! it’s a great step that you’re reaching out here and very courageous of you :slight_smile: