I feel lonely

Im not sure about how i feel actually. I feel empty but emotional right now. Wanna shout but no energy to speak

Hi @user1418,

It sounds like you’re feeling trapped right now, like there’s a lot going on inside but you don’t have the energy to release it. I hear you—wanting to shout but having no energy to speak, feeling empty yet emotional at the same time. Those are heavy things to carry, and it’s understandable that it feels confusing and overwhelming.

What you’re experiencing might be a sense of helplessness, where you feel stuck, unsure of how to express or even make sense of what’s going on inside. This is actually quite common when we’re under emotional stress, and it can make it seem like we’re running on empty, even though there’s a lot beneath the surface. Are you ok to share with us if the following is something that you can relate to?

  1. Feeling Empty Can Mean Feeling Trapped: When we feel empty, it’s not that there are no emotions at all—it’s that they’re locked away, waiting to be released, but something is holding them back. This might be why you feel like shouting but don’t have the energy—it’s like your body and mind are in conflict.
  2. Helplessness and Exhaustion: Feeling drained and lacking the energy to express yourself can come from emotional exhaustion. You might be carrying more than you realize, and it’s weighing you down. Sometimes, we feel helpless because our emotions feel too big to handle or too tangled to sort through.
  3. Sitting with the Feeling: I know it’s hard to sit with these heavy feelings without trying to push them away or fix them immediately, but sometimes, just acknowledging them without judgment can help. When you ask yourself, “Why am I feeling like this? What’s really going on beneath the surface?” it can be the first step toward understanding. Even if the answer doesn’t come right away, giving yourself that space can be a relief.
  4. Creating a Safe Space for Yourself: You mentioned wanting to shout but feeling like you can’t. What if you created a space where you can express yourself, even if it’s just to yourself for now? Whether that’s through writing, drawing, or even a private moment to let those emotions out—what might that look like for you? It could help release some of the tension that’s been building up inside.

Other considerations for you…

  • What do you think is making you feel so stuck or trapped in this emotional state?
  • Is there something that’s holding you back from expressing yourself fully?
  • What might happen if you gave yourself permission to feel everything without the pressure of explaining or fixing it right away?

We are here to listen and support you as you work through these feelings. Take your time with it—there’s no rush to figure it all out.

Open to chat with you

Part of the human condition: we want what we can’t have, and we’re doomed to pine ceaselessly for what will never be ours.

Hey @user1418 :wave: Are you perhaps feeling overwhelmed by life (school, work, social connections, etc.) or burnt out right now? Did you go through a life transition, or stay stagnant for too long that you’re kind of on autopilot? I don’t know your story, but I felt a similar numbness before, and these were what helped me get back on my feet a bit:

  1. Rest intentionally. Reconnect with your hobbies, sleep, exercise, and anything that helps you recharge and make you feel happy. Even if what helps is simply staring at the ceiling.
  2. Imagine. Life gets boring sometimes, so it’s ok to be delusional to a certain extent, if it helps you get back up. For me, I would imagine where I want to be, things I want to try, or simply coming up with characters with their own stories. This helps me ignite some spark and craft new ambitions or experiences.
  3. Track your life and emotions. Even if nothing happens, try to think of one thing that you did or feel. Something that made you happy, or sad, or angry. Something different that you did (e.g. bought a bubble tea, bought a new shirt, walked a new route home). It reminds me that everyday is an opportunity to make your life yours, to be the driver in your own life rather than a passenger.

Hello @user1418 :wave:t2:! Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling. Although I am not sure what context are you referring to but it seems like you are in a position where you are depleted, full of emotions and confused.

Perhaps, to navigate your feelings better, you could try writing down your thoughts or feelings (like a journal). It doesn’t have to be a structured sentence but it can simply be a string of words or phrases. Sometimes we are really busy for the day or week and when things get piled up we tend to forget what happened and etc.

You don’t have to necessarily understand your feelings right now. Sometimes it takes time to sit and understand it. Additionally, it is not necessary to act on them every time. Take things slowly :smile:

hello @user1418 :wave:

seems like you are feeling overwhelmed but you are unsure of how to express your thoughts and emotions. i want to let you know that thats totally okay. it can be difficult to understand what you are feeling and why you are feeling this way, especially if there are alot of things going on in your life right now. if you are comfortable, would you be open to share more about what’s going on with your life? perhaps it might help us understand your situation and support you better. don’t worry too much about writing it out nicely, just write whatever comes to your mind. sometimes writing about things can also help you understand your thoughts and emotions a lil better :slightly_smiling_face:. we will all be here to support you and help you work through your feelings :heart: