Does anyone of you felt that
Long story short .
Sometime for some unknown reason i hate myself .
theres always a reason. be a detective n start looking?
Hi, user1480,
Thank you for reaching out to share your intense hatred towards self. Self-hatred is an intense anger and dislikes towards oneself. There are many reasons why people hate themselves, and most of the time is due to the inner critics that arise from negative experiences from the past.
To work on regulating the hatred feeling, one need to understand what triggered the feeling, and the thought processes behind this feeling. Your experience with self-hatred “for some unknown reason”, is likely due to the feeling arose in a sudden, quick, and intense intensity. This is very normal for people who often feel overwhelmed emotionally, to the point that they were unable to realise what caused it. As self-hatred is a feeling, it is usually caused by the way you think/look at yourself. Thus changing the perspective of how you look at yourself can at least reduce the intensity of hatred, if not removing it.
These are some ideas that can be helpful for you to explore:
- recall and record your thoughts each time when you experienced the self-hatred feeling.
- Challenge the negative self-talks.
- Practice grounding and emotional regulation activities to calm self , and to help yourself to be present in “here and now”. Some of these can be deep breathing, meditation, counting, etc.
- Practice self-compassion. Imagine taking all your thoughts out and place them in front of you. Thoughts are just thoughts, they don’t define you as a person.
- Talk with people who think positive.
- Lower your self-expectations, and list down your strengths.
- Set realistic goals and recall one success you made
- Talk to a counsellor to help you to work on the self-critics in you.
Hope the above sharing helps.