In another universe

In another universe I wasn’t alone during the worst days of my life. In another universe my family loved me the way I needed them to instead of physically and emotionally abusing me. In another universe my personality didn’t push people away. In another universe I didn’t isolate myself when I needed someone the most. In another universe I’ll have friends I can turn to when my suicidal thoughts became too overwhelming, instead of getting ignored by them when I finally decided to open up about my struggles. In another universe my sister doesn’t hate me. In another universe my parents wouldn’t starve me if I didn’t do well enough at school. In another universe I would not be cutting my arms in an attempt to bleed myself dry after getting my shitty A-level results. In another universe my boss will pay a hefty price for the pain and suffering he bestowed upon me. In another universe I wouldn’t be me. In another universe I’m happy.

Hello @depressed1 you are not alone now okay I am here to listen :slight_smile: :people_hugging: how are you holding up now? Are these thoughts still running in your mind?

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