is this normal chat

so i usually restrict how much i eat,so my famiky always forces me to eat something and when i do eat too many calories than what i feel i should eat i feel very uneasy and resort to eating very little the next day to ‘compensate’
ok thansks guys!!!

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Hmm whats your reason for restricting your intake in the first place?

Dear @emptywallet ,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your concerns with us. It’s understandable to feel conflicted about your eating habits, especially with the pressure from family and the unease you experience after eating more than you intended. Can I ask what your goal is in restricting your calorie intake? Are you trying to manage your weight, or is it related to how you feel physically or emotionally? or something else?

How are your energy levels and focus throughout the day? Do you feel that these eating patterns affect your quality of life? Are you eating a balanced diet that includes all food groups?

It might be helpful to consider your BMI and health strengths alongside measuring calorie intake to ensure you’re taking care of your overall health and wellbeing.

I hope the above has been helpful and if you’d like more resources or if there is anything else you’d like to share with us, please do. We’re here to listen to you, your feelings are valid and you matter! :grinning:

Take care,
Cool Breeze =)

i restrict mainly to loose weight
for energy levels im naturally js tired no matter how much i sleep/because of whatvim eating haha
my bmi still seems relatively healthy so i should be oksy but i have been loosing a lot of hair and i havent gotten my period in 2 months
but i think i should be okay tysm!:cowboy_hat_face:

Hi @emptywallet ,

Thank you for sharing more about your situation. It’s great that you’re aware of your BMI and are checking in on your energy levels and overall health. However, losing a lot of hair and not getting your period for two months can be signs that your body might not be getting the nutrition it needs. Our body needs a balanced diet to function, support healthy hair, and regulate menstrual cycles.

It’s really important to approach weight loss in a healthy way. Ensuring you eat a variety of foods and get enough calories can help with your energy levels and overall wellbeing.

If you’re comfortable, could you share what’s motivating you to lose weight? Are you aiming for a specific look, or is there a concern about how others perceive your attractiveness? or something else.

We’re here to listen to you, your feelings are valid and you matter! :grinning:

Take care,
Cool Breeze =)