Looking to make some friends

I would like to make some friends - would anybody want to hang out with me?

Hello @user1092 , if you’re a youth between the age of 13 to 18, you can come down to VOX @ Children’s Society, located at 44 Chai Chee Street :slight_smile: We are a youth drop in centre with many fun activities for youths like PS4, pool table, and so on. You can make friends here! :blush: :star_struck:

Check out our Instagram @ vox44cc


heyyoo awesome youre open to making friends!! i know of some options where you can meet new peeps!
you can consider heading down to The Red Box (nearest MRT stations is Somerset), where every Thursday between 6.30pm to 9.30pm, they organise hangout sessions for youths to gather and make new friends.
i saw this post and that’s how i know about it, you can check in with them for more updated details.
Youth Corps Singapore | Re:ground @ Dungeon is open! Come by our cozy space for YOU(th) to engage in self-care activities on Thursdays, 6.30pm - 9.30pm. Check out… | Instagram

i’ve chatted with some of the peer supporters there before and they are awesome peeps :)) hope you make new friends!!!

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If I was a lance corporal in NS but now destitute will PAP save me from death?

(Not a joke I rlly need help if someone can help me can message me pls I need to eat.)

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