Panic attacks

I’ve had them since mid last year and have not seeked for help. It took me longer than it should have to even admit to myself that I have them. It happened a couple of times last year and I thought it wasn’t that big of a deal, maybe it was just stress from school. Just as I thought I could manage it myself, they got worse. It affects my relationships with the people around me as I tend to distance myself from them, not cause I want to, but I feel like I have to. Many people have said that I don’t show that I care enough. Based on personal experience, people tend to walk all over you when you show that you care. It shows that you’re weak and vulnerable. So after being hurt by someone i trusted over and over again, I told myself that it would never happen ever again. So I think having that kind of mindset made me put up walls around myself to protect me. I’m always described as cold and harsh. And that makes people think that I have no emotions. I guess this makes it harder for me to open up to people, especially the ones who I’m close to. Oddly, it’s way easier to open up to strangers here than it is to open up to the people I actually care about. I have considered seeking professional help, but it’s just really hard to talk about it. I feel like I shove my feelings down so much that it builds up over time and when they resurface, I just spiral out of control and absolutely lose it. I always tell myself to “suck it up". I’m not the only one with problems in this world. There are people who have it way worse than me. Isn’t it just selfish to pity myself? When I was younger, I broke down in school one time and had to talk to the school counselor. Let’s just say it was really annoying having to sit there and listen to someone else tell me how I should deal with my feelings when I really just wanted to hit something. In this world, if you have panic disorder, you are labelled as crazy or weak. If you can’t control your own feelings then how are you going to succeed in life? I’m still young, if people know that I have them then what will they think of me? Will teachers look down on me? I’m a pretty smart kid I guess, I managed to top the cohort for a couple of subjects last year. I have it so easy don’t I? Teachers have said to the class that I’m “sailing through school”. That makes them think that the smart kid can’t have any problems. My life is perfect, I do well in school, sports, I have the most amazing friends. What more could I ask for? This past week, I somewhat opened up to a couple of my friends. I guess they could see that something was up and I just blurted it out, I didn’t go into detail about it but I still said it. They were really understanding, as expected. But I don’t know, I kind of regret it. A few weeks back, the only person in the world that knew was me. When I had one outside, my friends would just think that I was just not in the mood to talk as I would distance myself from everyone for the day. But now that they know, I just feel so exposed. I don’t like the feeling of people comforting me, it’s just so uncomfortable. Maybe it stems from my childhood, my family has never been the kind to talk about feelings. So whenever I was upset, I dealt with it myself, no one would ever comfort me. In a way, it toughened me up, made me emotionally mature. But it has its downsides.

I think part of the reason why I haven’t told an adult yet is because of my age. During cce lessons in the morning, the school is always talking about mental health. I know of people who have reached out to the counselor for help but it only ended up with the counselor telling their parents. All their family members would just call them a wussy. “you’re still so young, what kind of problems do you even have?". They looked down on them, tell them they won’t survive in the real world. Most Singaporeans have this kind of mentality, mental issues= crazy. They think that just cause you have mental health problems means that if they piss you off, you’ll start chasing them with knives or something. So they shut you out, avoid you. I don’t know. All I know is that I’m lost. I don’t know what to do, what to think, I don’t even know who I am anymore at this point. It’s alright, I’ll just pretend to be okay, gaslight myself into being fine. Maybe that’ll work. Sorry you had to read this, I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Just needed to let it out.

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Hi Harvey

Thank you for sharing your deeply felt thoughts. Your courage in expressing yourself is clear. When you shared your struggles with emotional regulation, feeling panicky and doubting yourself, I believe it struck a chord with many of us so I’m quite certain you are not alone. It’s a great first step to air your experiences and seek help. Your feelings are valid and understandable.

Though what you are currently experiencing is hard, taking small steps forward can help you better manage in future, so keep going with your chin up!

I believe It’s is only human to protect ourselves from further hurt by building walls and avoiding others. You have considered seeking help but hesitant due to fear of judgment. However you are feeling lost, uncertain about identity and emotional control.

I hope these help:

A) Panic attacks will pass and though scary are not dangerous.
Do read this to find out more and how to manage them :

B)Consider starting mindfulness practice. It can help to slowly regulate your thoughts and emotions.
D)Creative expression
E)Physical activity
F)Take a gradual approach to start mingling with a small group of friends, reflect, adjust, and learn. Avoiding may not be helpful as it reinforces fear.

Take a slow approach to experiment small improvements and changes in behaviour. I think you are fully deserving of better things ahead and capable of growth. You can do this!:heart:

Hi Harvey! :smiley_cat:

First of all, I appreciate the courage to post this thread! I can tell you are having some difficulty managing your emotions and thoughts. Just when you thought you could handle your stress, it rebounds and even becomes worse…

If I could offer some advice from personal experience, it would be to accept the fact that this stress/anxiety can come and go anytime. As ironic as it sounds, accepting this fact helped me not “fight” it. So I went from “Oh no I can feel my panic attack coming soon. I can’t deal with this anymore” to “Panic attack? It’s okay”. Additionally, during my panic attacks, I would try to ground myself by focusing on an object or the cracks on the floor (might be hard the first time but I promise that it will help a little more. :smirk_cat:

Secondly, I see that you have written about how this issue has in turn led to difficulties in managing your friendships. It must be very hard to maintain friendships when you have so much going on mentally. You should not blame yourself for distancing yourself and for seeming to be cold. When you are living in a constant state of fight or flight, it is hard to be your most authentic self. And when it seems like people aren’t appreciative enough of how much you care for them, it can be quite discouraging.

I just want to let you know that you shouldn’t feel the need to go over your boundaries to make people happy when you do not have the mind to do so. Put yourself first! You deserve the whole world :heart_eyes_cat: You don’t have to explain or justify yourself to people who cannot understand you.

Anyways, I do not think that it is selfish to pity yourself. When life gives you too much lemons, it would be hard to make the perfect lemonade. Give yourself time and let yourself discover aspects of yourself through fun activities or any things you want to do! I highly recommend the book “love for imperfect things” by Haemin Sunim to you! It has pretty drawings and easy to digest! I felt much better after reading it :joy_cat:

ALSO do not apologise for this!! I am sure that there are many people out there who would love to help you!

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