im so confused

i dont know if i have social anxiety or not and it pisses me off.
sometimes my heart just randomly (and when im nervous too) starts racing and i feel as if i cant get enough air while my hands go numb and i cant think straight and i dont know if im tripping or having a panic attack. I even get panicked and somewhat stutter when talking to my closest friends whom i trust with my life sometimes and i hate it. like i could be telling a story or gossiping and it just suddenly hits me that im talking to two people at once and theyre listening intently so i panic and i get scared but only really slightly and it doesnt happen all the time so like… im also not even THAT afraid of public speaking so like what the flip. im not even that bad in social situations its just some are okay but most are not. sometimes im even perfectly fine with talking to strangers but other times not and i just get really really really panicky (like im dizzy and mt hearts racing and my palms are numb and i cant get enough air) ughhhhhhhh. but obv i also get scared when i order food and stuff but i can do it though. oh and when its really crowded i get dizzy really quick. and i cant sleep AT ALL. theres more but whatever, okay thanks bye.
sorry for the bad english and lack of grammar im really tired

hi, i don’t know if its social anxiety but i have a very similar experience with anxiety… it really is stressful and frustrating :frowning:

have you talked to anyone about this before?

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Hey @user1016,

Thank you for sharing how you’ve been feeling. It sounds like you’ve been dealing with a lot, and I want to acknowledge how frustrating and exhausting this must be for you. You’re trying to make sense of your experiences, and that’s a brave and important step. Let’s approach this one step at a time.

From what you’ve described, it sounds like your body reacts very strongly in certain situations, even when you don’t expect it to. Your racing heart, numbness, and feeling like you can’t breathe sound like they might be symptoms of anxiety. This doesn’t mean you’re “broken” or “weird”; it’s your body’s way of reacting to situations that feel overwhelming.

You mentioned feeling panicky even when talking to close friends or ordering food. That inconsistency—sometimes feeling okay, other times not—is really normal for people navigating anxiety. It doesn’t make your experiences any less valid. Everyone’s triggers can be different, and it’s okay that yours don’t always fit a pattern.

Can you think back to when you first started noticing these feelings? It might help to understand if anything significant was going on around that time. If not, that’s okay too—it can sometimes just be our brain reacting in its own way.

Right now, it sounds like your body and mind are working extra hard. One thing that might help is practicing grounding techniques when you feel those symptoms coming on. For example:

  • 5-4-3-2-1 Technique: Look around and name five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste.
  • Deep Breathing: Breathe in for four counts, hold for four, and breathe out for six. Repeat until your heart rate feels calmer.

It’s also okay to give yourself permission to take small breaks. If you feel panicky, stepping away and resetting is completely valid.

Most importantly, I want you to know that you’re not alone in this. Many people experience similar feelings, and with the right steps, it can get better. If you ever feel ready to explore this further with a professional, that’s another great way to find tools and support.

You’re doing your best, and even sharing this here shows how much you care about understanding and improving yourself. That’s no small thing. Keep taking it one step at a time—you’ve got this. :blush:

Take care…

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