Personality Tests ! 🤔

After hearing about the enneagram personality test in a podcast I got curious and decided to try out. I usually take results from personality tests with a grain of salt but I thought it could be a fun exercise to reflect on yourself your likes and dislikes too :face_with_monocle:

Below is a quick summary from chatgpt:

The enneagram personality test categorises individuals into nine distinct personality types, each characterized by specific traits, fears, and motivations. Participants answer a series of questions to determine their primary type, with each type representing a unique perspective and approach to life. While the enneagram is popular for self-discovery and personal growth, its scientific validity has been a subject of debate among psychologists.

What do you guys think about such tests ? Do you think its relevant to you or do you think its a bunch of fluff ? :thinking:

Leave your opinions in the comments I’m interested to hear what do you guys think ?


from my experience, i find my results really true!


Ooo which did you take ?

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I’ve only tried MBTI before and I’m an Architect (INTJ-A)

A scene showing a person with the Architect (INTJ) personality type


Personally I’m an INFJ haha I think its quite aligned with my enneagram of type 2 :joy:


hiii! same im an INFJ hehe

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apparently in korea it is something very relevant especially when applying for a job.

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Oh yes I think they treat it quite seriously thr :anguished:

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i’m a type 6w5 loll


Ohh cool how did you get the w ?

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for different personality types, there are different wings. For types 6s, you can either be a type6w7 or type6w5. Since my 5 is actually my 2nd highest, i assume that i’m a type 6w5 (read a description as well and feels that it suits me!)


I didn’t want to pay for the report, so I asked chatgpt to analyze it for me haha.

Apparently I’m 5w6


I think it’s the adjacent blocks to your largest element. So if you’re a type 5, your wing (w) is either 4 or 6.

The idea behind wings is that while your core type dominates your overall personality, the adjacent types are modifiers to that core type.


oh never knew that wings were the adjacent blocks to the largest element!


I took one b4 and I was an Entertainer!