Posttraumatic Stress Disorder - Signs & Symptoms

Hello everyone,

We know that trauma can have a profound impact on a person’s mental and emotional well-being, and it’s essential that we create a safe space to discuss posttraumatic trauma. This post is dedicated to understanding the signs and symptoms of posttraumatic trauma (commonly known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD) and providing support for those who may be dealing with it or supporting someone who is.

PTSD can manifest in various ways and can affect individuals very differently. Here are some common signs and symptoms for someone who is experiencing PTSD:

  • Intrusive thoughts and memories (flashbacks, nightmares related to the trauma, distressing memories)
  • Avoidance and numbing (avoiding places, people, situations, or emotionally cut-off)
  • Negative thoughts (feelings of guilt, blame, negative beliefs about the world, feeling isolated)
  • Arousal and Reactivity Symptoms (exaggerated startle responses, hypervigilance, irritability)

It’s important to note that the abovementioned are a fraction (and not complete) of what a person might truly experience with PTSD. These symptoms can also appear a few weeks, months or even years later. Please do speak to a mental health professional if you notice these symptoms or to receive an assessment.

Here are two questions to guide our discussion:

  1. Have you or someone you know experienced the signs and symptoms of posttraumatic trauma? What were the initial indicators, and how did it affect your life or the life of your loved one?

  2. What coping strategies or treatment options have you found helpful in dealing with posttraumatic trauma? How can we encourage individuals to seek help when needed?

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