Ways to recover from trauma

Growing up, I have seen and experience traumatic events that has been left unresolved, I thought if I left it on its own or don’t think about it, it might go away, but even many years later, once in a while, I would get random thoughts or flashbacks of a traumatic past event that still seem to stick with me. As I have recently made a new friend just months ago, in our text conversations: my messages would have sometimes be deemed as sarcastic, avoidant, insensitive, rude etc. My friend thinks that I have avoidant attachment and thinks that I should see a therapist to help me deal with my trauma as it is affecting the way we communicate in text.

I would like to know if there are any affordable therapy (e.g. Polyclinic) that I could go to or how should I approach this situation? How would I know if its a specific trauma/s that might have caused my behavior?

Hi @cub, thank you for reaching out - I applaud you for having the courage to seek help. :blush:

With regards to the specific trauma which are causing these behaviours to appear in your communications with your friend, I may not be able to dispense the appropriate advice on this.

However, I am able to signpost you to mental health services that do not have any out-of-pocket cost. Here is the list:

IMH CHAT: https://www.imh.com.sg/CHAT/Get-Help/Pages/default.aspx

Youth Integrated Team: SupportGoWhere

CREST - Youth: SupportGoWhere

mindline.sg Service Wayfinder: mindline.sg | Free Mental Health Resources & Mindfulness Tools in Singapore

Hi @cub

Thank you for the courage. Although there is no sure way to ascertain that your past trauma is affecting your present behaviour it may be worth a shot to explore. I have observed that getting therapy for trauma would help to relieve some of the symptoms. Do grow your circle of good friends, too. With greater practice, you are likely to learn healthy ways of navigating friendships and relationships.

You can explore mental health support from:

1)The Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT) provides confidential mental health checks for young persons between 16 and 30 years old, who are currently living in Singapore. They operate CHAT hub, a mental health centre located at *SCAPE and maintains an online presence through their website and webchat.
6493 6500
6493 6501

2)Fei Yue Community Services- EC2

LIVE CHAT eC2 is an online facility offering free counselling to youths.

3)TOUCH Community Services – TOUCHline

Emotional support and practical advice are rendered through this youth helpline
1800 377 2252

Start taking tiny steps towards the path of recovery. Please know that it would take time though so do be patient and compassionate to yourself :heart:.