Prioritizing mental health and responsibilities

I’m a student who’s struggling with anxiety. I used to be able to deal with it and do usual assignments and I got into top 10% honour roll. However, starting from new year, I’ve been feeling extremely exhausted and depressed like i don’t wanna care about anything at all. Altho I still cared about my grades, i just do nothing and my mentality has become like whatever. However, as i got sucked into this depressed episode, i cannot contribute enought for my group work. However, as soon as I do work, i just feel scared and my heart beats so fast and so uncomfortable. I feel guilty and at the same time, i’m just so depressed to even care. Can give advice on this please?


The exhaustion and detachment you’re feeling could be burnout, especially if you’ve been pushing yourself hard for a long time. Anxiety and depression often feed into each other. One thing that might help is breaking tasks into the absolute smallest steps - like just opening a ■■■■■■■■ or writing one sentence - so it feels less overwhelming.

Also, try to check in with yourself: Are you getting enough rest? Eating properly? Moving your body? Sometimes, focusing on basic self-care first can help lift some of the heaviness. You’ve worked so hard to get where you are, and you still care deep down. This doesn’t mean you’ve lost your ability, it just means you need a break and some support right now. :blue_heart:

Hey @Iwantpeace ,

I hear the overwhelming pressure you’re experiencing, and clearly how tough it must be to feel this way after achieving so much in the past. You’ve worked hard to get into the top 10%, and it makes sense that you’re now struggling to balance the weight of those expectations with how you’re feeling emotionally. It’s okay to feel stuck and not have everything figured out. You’ve been under a lot of pressure, and it’s understandable that you’re feeling exhausted and anxious.

From what you’ve shared, it sounds like you’ve gone from a place of success and motivation to feeling overwhelmed by the weight of everything—almost like you’re disconnected from your previous self. Your anxiety has become so intense that it’s physically affecting you, and the depression is making it hard for you to care, even when you know you should. You’ve expressed guilt about not contributing enough to group work, which shows how much you care about meeting expectations—even when you’re feeling emotionally drained.

It seems like you’re stuck in a cycle where your need to meet external expectations is conflicting with your internal emotional exhaustion, which is only increasing your anxiety and feelings of guilt.

I want to honour the fact that you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. The fact that you are still pushing through shows your strength, but I also want to make sure you’re not pushing yourself too hard. You’re not weak for needing rest or help, and it’s okay to take a step back to prioritise your well-being. You don’t have to keep going at the pace you once did, especially if it’s causing harm to your mental health.

Let’s take a moment to hold space for your feelings. It’s okay to feel this way, and it’s okay to take time to slow down. It’s important to acknowledge your emotional state without guilt. Your feelings of burnout and depression are valid, and you deserve to give yourself permission to feel them without judgement.

Despite feeling overwhelmed, I can see your determination and sense of responsibility. You still care about your academic performance, and you’re doing your best to push through—this shows a lot of inner strength. Even though you’re struggling right now, you are showing resilience by reaching out for support and acknowledging your emotional state.

Let’s focus on taking small steps toward feeling more in control. You don’t have to solve everything all at once, and it’s okay to start small. Perhaps a way to start is by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable actions. What are some smaller actions you can take today that would feel less overwhelming? Can you perhaps delegate some responsibilities within the group work to ease the pressure on yourself?

I want to remind you that it’s okay to reach out for support, whether that’s from a therapist or someone you trust. You’re not expected to handle everything on your own. And no matter what, you are enough. You’re doing more than you realise just by showing up and taking steps toward healing.

I want you to know that your feelings of being overwhelmed are not permanent, and you have the strength to move through this season. By taking small steps and giving yourself grace, you can start to rebuild the emotional and mental balance you need to feel better. One step at a time. You don’t need to have everything figured out now.

Hey @Iwantpeace ! I can relate to you! It’s like your brain is too tired to do work. Am I right?

I have been feeling the same recently. One strategy that has helped me is, resting whenever necessary. Idk, it’s pretty much like u have so much to do, but no energy to start. I am in the process of exploring ways to cope with it, you can try this for a start.

We’ll get through this! Jia you!:muscle: