Starting to trust literally no one truly

In the past, I still had some hope for people in general, thinking that there will be people out there that will be kind and good.

But with time, I start to feel that people are just people with selfish nature and that’s actually OK. It’s just that they have harmful intentions towards others as well.

I’m not sure if it’s just me or does anyone feel that humanity is getting much more hurtful towards others deep down?

I mean I know I might be overthinking in the negative sense but I just can’t help to feel that the world is getting worse as days pass. Everything is now base on commercial profit instead of truly wanting to best for humanity in general.


Hi @waykee3, I hear you and I can understand why you might feel that way. It’s natural to have concerns about the state of the world and humanity. However, it’s important to remember that there are still many kind and compassionate people out there.

I’d like to hear more about your experiences and what led you to feel this way. Is there a particular event or experience that made you lose hope in humanity, or is it more of a general feeling based on what you see in the news and social media?

And while it’s true that there are some people who can be selfish and harmful towards others, I believe that there are also many who are working towards a better future for all. :star2:

It’s more of a general feeling that I have as I interact with and observe people in general.

I feel that it’s scary that such people can post to the safety of humanity.

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Do you think it’s a case of more people becoming more individualistic and looking after their personal interests (and therefore hurting others along the way) rather than sacrificing some inconvenience for better good of others?

I think I’m guilty of sometimes unknowingly hurting others in pursuit of certain goals. Any ideas on how I can do better? :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m not entirely sure if it’s due to people being individualistic or not.

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Alike how a lion cannot be faulted for murdering its prey, we can’t do anything but accept the idea that it’s in a human’s innate nature to be self-centered. But is this inherently a bad thing? Think of the altruistic acts, that one can do in this day and age, charity, donating an organ, etc, the intentions may be a result of one’s desire for valour or commendation, but the good that comes out of it far surpasses the initial “bad” intentions.

Ultimately I would say that there are two ways to handle this, one of which would be to shun the world and live in isolation and interact with people when necessary. The other, of which is preferable to me, is to accept it as it is and have a deep appreciation for each positive act that you encounter.


Honestly yeah, at some point I just accepted that everyone is inherently “evil”, because I know I am also very selfish. Like no matter how many good things I do I know the reason why I do them, there’s always some sort of benefit (like feeling better about myself, etc.) and that’s why I know I’m a very ugly person inside.

There’s that one thing people argue about in philosophy(?), about whether true altruism exists. Maybe it does, but I don’t believe it for most people. So for most people and I, I think it’s admirable that we try to do good and struggle against our nature :slight_smile: We are weak and often fail in our convictions to be good people, so I try to understand when someone does something hurtful. Because I hope others would give me a chance when I am weak as well (look, a selfish reason!). Of course make sure you protect yourself first, make sure you don’t get hurt first, then be understanding.

Also, I think it’s fine that people are usually looking for profit. Whatever reasons corporations give for doing something, I’d take it with a pinch of salt. As long as they do something that helps people instead of hurts them, I feel it doesn’t matter what the reason is. In the end their actions help the world more than people who have the right reasons but still do nothing. And maybe by design we can one day make it such that doing the right thing is the profitable thing as well.

Tldr; people and corporations do good things for selfish reasons, but it helps the world more than those who are moral but do nothing.


Amazed at how this thread is revived after a year but I completely agree with both your views @SleepyBobby, @gaundice. Interesting to know that there are people who think this way because it’s kinda taboo to say this in public or believe that people are inherently selfish.

:point_up: so trueeee

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