Tired of being tired

maybe I’m putting this in the wrong place but I don’t know where else to put it

I’m tired, as the title implies. but not because of labor or depression or whatever else, I’m tired of myself.
I think it started in grade school, when I got put into a SPED (special Ed) room, and was not told there was another option.
in that SPED room I did a whole lot of nothing, no assignments, no books, no art, nothing. I was never given these things, I was just told to be there, so I was. and up until middle school, that’s all I knew about school. once middle school hit, I didn’t know how to do anything past basic multiplication, and I didn’t know how to cope with not knowing. so I just sat on YouTube, not doing anything because I didn’t want to, and I was never told to do something I didn’t want to.

cut to high school, and I’m failing, hard, I know why, it because I’m not doing the work, but when I try to, I just cant. I know I have to, and I want to, but I just don’t.

i’ll be straight, I hate myself for this, I cant even bring myself to listen half the time. and I’m tired of it, but I don’t know what to do, and that just makes me angry more than anything.

Heyy theres no wrong place to put things here! :blush:

I think sometimes it’s hard to make big changes for yourself alone. Having a good friend to make you accountable helps too perhaps it would be good to find a study group or an accountability buddy to study with you?

Hmm I think it’s okay to feel angry about yourself too. In this case it’s your inner self wanting to change for the better and perhaps what you need to do is figure out how you can use these emotions to drive you further into taking actions towards who you wanna be and I feel like you are already doing that by seeking help and voicing things out here :blush:

Another thing is to remember its okay to take things one small step at a time and be consistent. Like trying to study for 10 mins a day to 15mins to 20mins and so on. Pace yourself and you will be surprised how far you will go :muscle:

If anything feel free to share more here I’m here to listen heh :saluting_face: