maybe I’m putting this in the wrong place but I don’t know where else to put it
I’m tired, as the title implies. but not because of labor or depression or whatever else, I’m tired of myself.
I think it started in grade school, when I got put into a SPED (special Ed) room, and was not told there was another option.
in that SPED room I did a whole lot of nothing, no assignments, no books, no art, nothing. I was never given these things, I was just told to be there, so I was. and up until middle school, that’s all I knew about school. once middle school hit, I didn’t know how to do anything past basic multiplication, and I didn’t know how to cope with not knowing. so I just sat on YouTube, not doing anything because I didn’t want to, and I was never told to do something I didn’t want to.
cut to high school, and I’m failing, hard, I know why, it because I’m not doing the work, but when I try to, I just cant. I know I have to, and I want to, but I just don’t.
i’ll be straight, I hate myself for this, I cant even bring myself to listen half the time. and I’m tired of it, but I don’t know what to do, and that just makes me angry more than anything.