Victim of Telegram Investment Scam


I became a victim of a telegram investment scam last 59th National SG Day. I lost more than 40% of my savings (SGD 8,600 to be exact). I feel so ashamed that no one in my family or friends know that this happened to me. I initially did not want to file a police report but I decided to do it as I felt like it will contribute to my peace of mind and make me feel like at least I have someone on my side since I decided not to tell my friends and family. I’ve been telling myself that I will keep this as a secret until I am ready to tell them (maybe when I’ve been able to save back the money) or keep it until I’m on my deathbed.

I feel so ashamed because I had a feeling that it is not legit but I kept on ignoring my instinct and gave them so much of my money. that amount of money could’ve been used to allow me to attend multiple treatment sessions in physio (I have spine issues) or even use it to renovate the house I have in my home country. I’ve been trying to talk to myself and tell myself that it’s ok and trying my best to be positive in order to move forward but, the sadness and self-blaming suddenly hits me whenever I remember what happened and what I allowed to happen. I even made sure not to tell my family here in SG about that “investment” while I was being scammed because I felt like they might judge me.

I think that’s the reason why I don’t want to tell them. Because there were multiple instances during the whole thing where I could’ve stopped it from getting worse but I still let it happen to me because I was greedy and wanted to earn money the easy way.

I guess I’m writing this post just to ask how I can cope with this? I’ve been through so much this year because of my health issues and this happening too is just another thing to add to the list of my problems this year. I don’t want to tell anyone else aside from the police because I don’t think I can handle the disappointment I will see or hear from my friends and family. I know I’ve been so stupid and I’m at fault here, but I want to seek help on how to cope with the sadness and self-blame every time I remember what happened to me. Can anyone help me?

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Hi @Purpleheart107,

Thank you for trusting us with your story. First of all, I want to say that what you’re feeling—shame, guilt, and self-blame—is something many people experience after being scammed. These emotions are incredibly heavy, but please know they don’t make you “stupid” or “at fault.” Scams are designed to manipulate and take advantage of people, and it’s not a reflection of your intelligence or character.

It’s understandable that you’re hesitant to share this with your family or friends. The fear of judgment can be really powerful, especially when you’re already feeling vulnerable. But remember, you don’t have to carry this burden alone. Sometimes, sharing with just one trusted person can lift a significant weight off your shoulders. You might find that they’re more understanding and supportive than you expect.

You’ve already shown a lot of strength by filing a police report and acknowledging what happened. That’s not an easy step to take, and it shows that you’re committed to finding peace of mind and moving forward.

It’s also important to be kind to yourself. Everyone makes mistakes, and what matters most is how we learn from them and move forward. Instead of focusing on what you lost, try to focus on what you’ve gained—wisdom, resilience, and the ability to protect yourself better in the future.

Given everything you’ve been through, both with this scam and your health issues, it might be helpful to talk to a professional counselor. They can provide you with the tools to manage these feelings of sadness and self-blame. You don’t have to go through this alone, and professional support can make a big difference in how you cope with this situation.

In the meantime, consider setting small, manageable goals to help you regain control, here are some options for your consideration. Taking these steps, no matter how small, can help you feel more empowered.

  1. Start a New Savings Plan: Begin by creating a new savings plan, even if it’s just setting aside a small amount each month. This can be as simple as saving a few dollars each week. The key here is consistency rather than the amount. Over time, these small contributions will grow, and watching your savings increase can provide a sense of accomplishment and a positive focus. You might consider setting up a separate savings account specifically for rebuilding what you’ve lost. Some people find it helpful to automate their savings so that a portion of their income is directly transferred into this account, reducing the temptation to spend it elsewhere.

  2. Explore Affordable Options for Your Physio Treatments: For your physical therapy needs, look into community-based or subsidized options that might be available to you. In Singapore, there are various polyclinics and public hospitals that offer physiotherapy services at lower rates. Additionally, some private clinics may offer discounts or payment plans for individuals facing financial difficulties. You can also explore whether any non-profit organizations provide support or grants for individuals with medical needs. Reaching out to a healthcare professional or social worker can help you identify these resources.

  3. Set Achievable Milestones: Break down your larger financial goals into smaller, achievable milestones. For example, aim to save a specific amount by the end of the month or commit to reducing non-essential expenses for a few weeks. Celebrating these small wins can boost your confidence and keep you motivated. Write down these milestones and track your progress—sometimes, seeing how far you’ve come can be incredibly empowering.

  4. Build a Support System: While you work on these goals, consider building or strengthening your support system. Even if you’re not ready to share your experience with your family or friends, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who can offer encouragement and practical advice is valuable. This might include joining a support group, whether in person or online, where you can connect with others who have faced similar challenges.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion and Patience: Finally, remember that progress takes time. Be patient with yourself as you work towards these goals. It’s okay to take things one step at a time. Self-compassion will be key in this process—acknowledge the effort you’re putting in, and give yourself credit for each positive step forward, no matter how small.

Please remember, what happened to you doesn’t define you. You’re taking the right steps, and it’s okay to ask for help along the way. You’ve already shown incredible resilience by reaching out and sharing your story here.

Take care, do feel free to share with us if you have started something?


I totally can relate all your feelings and frustration on this matter.
I lost my entire saving in early of this year. ($50k). I believe we drop into the same group of scammer. It’s also through telegram.

Initially I really felt miserable and stupidity of dropping into the scam. Even now I’m still graving on my money. Praying that they will return me even if is half of it.

But I can assure you that, life move on. We have to swallow the pain and learn to move on. Money, is something that we can always earn it back through hard work and time.

What’s matter most is that we can’t change the past. So instead of leaving in the past, we shall move on and keep going forward. Truly, After this incidence, I learn to be smart and careful, and not to be greedy.
This is a very painful lesson in my life.

Stand up and fight, earn it back x10 of the money !



i too, like the prev poster, also lost a large chunk of my savings to a telegram investment scam. significantly less than yours but im still a student with no salary so it hurt just the same.

i understand you don’t want to tell anybody. i also didn’t want to, for fear of being judged, as i also had multiple instances where i could’ve prevented it from getting worse but i kept on going at it thinking i could earn money quickly. i decided to tell 2 of my closest friends because i didn’t know how to handle the situation by myself. i also told my brother about it.

they advised me not to go any further even though i thought it could be legit. they also said the money i lost could be earned back and not to pay anymore in an attempt to get my money back.

i struggled for a while with the loss (this was my second time being scammed ill be honest with you) and it wasn’t easy. but i’ll advice you not to look back too much and to instead look forward, and slowly save up the amount you lost. i know it can be hard, but try to find ways to distract yourself from the loss and be assured that money can be made back. and if you can find the courage to tell just one person about it, your most trusted friend maybe, you may find that you’ll feel a bit better.

we’re all here for you, you got this! hope you heal soon 🫶🏻


I am grateful for you for sharing your story with me. I agree that it’s a reality that has been really hard to swallow and indeed an expensive. I also pray that the money you loss will return to you tenfold and your life will continue to be happier and better everyday :pray:

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! Let’s indeed continue to fight and find ways to continue enjoying life :smiley:



Thank you for sharing your experience. As an update, I haven’t told anyone of my family and friends yet and has decided to tell them when I know in my heart that I am ready. It’s not a reflection on them at all, but it’s something that I need to overcome and come to terms with for which I am doing my best.

However, I did decide to reach out to the helpline of SG’s association for mental health and I was able to tell them what happened to me. They were very helpful and it felt good to be able to talk to someone else about it.

It was indeed an expensive lesson to learn but I think it will help us be smarter and protect ourselves better.

Thank you for your kind words and wishing you all the best too!



Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the detailed steps you’ve provided to me and will try to come up with a more stable plan based on it.

To answer your question on if I have started something, the following are what I have done the past week since the incident:

  1. I reached out to SAMNH helpline to talk about what happened. They have been extremely helpful and I am looking to book subsequent sessions with them.
  2. I have started setting up a weekly auto-transfer of a fixed amount to my savings account (in addition to my monthly setup) to get a sense of more progress
  3. I am more diligent on sticking to my routine of physio exercises and meal prepping to lose weight. These have helped me to put my focus on somewhere else.
  4. I have started doing some morning affirmations as a practice of talking to myself in a kinder way.

These are some of what I have already started and I can say that they have been extremely helpful. I’m doing my best to establish these as I don’t want the incident to take more from me especially now that I have to focus on my health.

I have decided to give myself some time before telling my friends and family. In a way, I’m taking this as being kind to myself too by not rushing.

Thank you again for your help. I would like to ask, aside from SAMNH, can you recommend some affordable professional counselling here in Singapore? Cause I’ve been planning for a long time to undergo counselling too.


Hi @purpleheart107 ,
Here are more options for your consideration…

Free Counselling Services
MSF’s Online Counselling : Guided Journey | Family Assist
Silver Ribbon - Silver Ribbon (Singapore) - Services - Counselling
Care Corner -

You can also try these online options:
Limitless : Get Help: Talk to Someone — Limitless
Family Central : Free-of-Charge Online Counselling Service by CPH - Family Central
IMH CHAT : CHAT Self-Referral Intake Form 1 :
Toll-Free Counselling Hotline (Mandarin) - Care Corner Singapore l

For urgent matters, you may wish to look at the following page for options Get Help Now Page - let's talk

Hope that it helps.