Why We Shouldn't "Self-Diagnose"!

Hey everyone,

We live in a world where information is at our fingertips, and it is extremely common to find ourselves down the rabbit hole of online health resources, attempting to make sense of our physical and mental well-being. This brings us to the often-discussed, sometimes-debated topic of self-diagnosing.

The Allure of Dr. Google: The internet is a vast treasure trove of information, but it can also be a double-edged sword. The ease of accessing medical and psychological information online might give us a sense of empowerment, but it can lead to a phenomenon known as “cyberchondria” – the unfounded escalation of concerns about common symptoms.

Why Self-Diagnosing Can be Tricky:

  1. Misinterpretation of Symptoms: Symptoms that might be common across various conditions can be misinterpreted, leading to unnecessary worry or, conversely, a false sense of reassurance.
  2. Confirmation Bias: Ever noticed how a quick search can make you lean towards a specific diagnosis you were already considering? That’s confirmation bias at play – we tend to focus on information that aligns with our preconceived notions.
  3. Neglect of Professional Expertise: While online information is valuable, it can never replace the expertise of a trained healthcare or mental health professional. They bring years of education, experience, and a nuanced understanding of individual cases.

The Importance of Professional Guidance:

  1. Accurate Diagnosis: Professionals consider a multitude of factors, including personal history, family background, and the context of symptoms. This holistic approach ensures a more accurate diagnosis.
  2. Personalized Treatment Plans: Self-diagnosing often skips the critical step of understanding the unique aspects of an individual’s condition. Professionals tailor treatment plans to address specific needs and circumstances.
  3. Mental Health Stigma: Misdiagnosing mental health conditions can perpetuate stigma and misunderstanding. Seeking professional help not only aids accurate diagnosis but also contributes to reducing the stigma surrounding mental health.

Seeking Balance: While it’s natural to be curious about our health, it’s important to approach information with a discerning eye. If you find yourself concerned about your health, please consider using online resources as a starting point for informed discussions with healthcare professionals.

2 Questions for the day:

  1. Have you found yourself falling into the trap of “self-diagnosing”? What were some of the signs you experienced?
  2. How did you work through the issue of “self-diagnosing”?

Remember, your health is a partnership between you and your healthcare team. Stay informed, stay curious, but most importantly, stay connected with the experts who can guide you on your unique health journey. :blue_heart::woman_health_worker::man_health_worker:


Let me start by saying that I was absolutely blessed to find Dr Paul in my late 20’s; I was an absolute mess and a powder keg ready to explode… I grew up in a world where you didn’t talk about feelings and only could a massive panic attack make me realize I could not rationalize, compartmentalize, or ignore these things anymore.

All that to say that we had a fun time together digging into my carefully constructed realities, coping mechanisms, etc to get a solid baseline of what exactly was going on. To the point though, I am a sharp individual who is an excellent problem solver and expert liar to oneself. I found myself telling myself that I had fixed this, that or the other so any new issues HAD TO BE something else. What I found is that many conditions share symptoms and depending on one’s mood, he or she may minimize a behavior or emotion to fit a less serious condition or even vice versa for attention, defense mechanism, etc… all in all though, it didn’t help. Without that sounding board, the trained professional, the voice of reason… the diagnosis means nothing.

It takes time to “work-through” self-diagnosing. In my case there were many internal reasons why but I wasn’t actively in therapy and I would find myself running into rabbit holes of this or that… luckily, I would catch myself and go back to my truths…

Sadly I have not had that same Dr Paul experience… some of my failed attempts at therapy since was my manipulation of therapists… others the laziness of getting a “clock watcher” who wasn’t right for me… I happened to be reading through all my symptoms and such to remind myself that these things are real, and rabbit holed into this site. I hope I can get myself righted and for now this is what will work.


Honestly i agree, we should not self diagnose because u just ruining it yup. I know a lot of people do it for attention woahhhh yes yes yes!

my friend has been through this situation, which raised awareness to me hence i will like to help out with others going through this kind of situations too :slight_smile:

yes i have as i was young and clueless and i thought it was “cool” having a mental illness

We should always consult a professional

Most arguments of whether people who haven’t gone through extensive training should be considered qualified enough to be an authority on a complicated topic such as mental health can be settled by this quote:
“The problem is knowing enough to think you’re right, but not enough to know you’re wrong” - Neil DeGrasse Tyson

It’s important not to self-diagnose because we may misinterpret symptoms and make incorrect assumptions. It’s best to consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and advice.

  1. Yes. Personally, i did have a questioning period of “self diagnosing” as i started doing research on certain symptons and just felt somewhat connected to it or thought it was accurate.

It’s great to self-diagnose yourself once in every moments because it would hlp you of stresful situation for aure

We need professional to support when you have the thought of self harm.

  1. I will try to go out to have a walk and set my mind open

Getting help from a expert would help to make the diagnosis more accurate!

Self diagnosing may lead you into a rabbit hole, always ask professionals for help because they know all the better.

  1. Have you found yourself falling into the trap of “self-diagnosing”? What were some of the signs you experienced?

Yes I have. A lot of people were telling me I was very bi-polar and because I chose to believe those people, I ended up googling for symptoms.

  1. How did you work through the issue of “self-diagnosing”?

It was a lot of patience required for me to understand why was I reacting that certain way. Why do I have different reactions and what were the triggers etc.

I believe that it’s okay to suspect that we may have a certain disorder as that’s always the first step to seeking help but we shouldn’t invalidate other’s experience by self diagnosing

Qn 2. I actually went to a professional to quench my worries. I also have myself a time frame for “symptoms” I experienced. If I continually experienced these symptoms, I went to talk to a mental health professional instead.

I have found myself self diagnosing especially when I’ve heard my friends talk about some issues and I find myself relating to them. But I remind myself that professional help is never the same as information that is provided online since it may not all be applicable

Do not self diagnose! Go to a professional for help if you require assistance.

Some sign I experience is thinking of how I am feeling today…