You Are What You Think And Believe You Are And Not What You Are?

I’ve heard people say (You are what you think and believe you are and not actually what you are) so I really wanna know if it’s true in psychology and scientific ways so

Is it true that you are what you think and believe you are, for example, if you believe and think that you’re stupid at maths even tho you’re not stupid at it(you just need more time) then you’re just really stupid at it even though you’re not???

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Hi @Wira !

That’s a really good question!

The idea that “you are what you think and believe you are” is a concept that aligns with certain aspects of psychology, particularly within the realms of self-perception and self-fulfilling prophecies. However, I need to clarify that this notion is not an absolute truth and doesn’t capture the full complexity of human behavior and cognition. Humans are complex creatures :slight_smile:

In psychology, there are several related concepts to what you shared:

  1. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: This happens when an person’s belief or expectation about a situation influences their behavior in a way that ultimately makes the belief come true. For example, if someone believes they are bad at math and approaches math tasks with a negative mindset, they may not invest the necessary effort to improve, thus fulfilling their own expectation.

  2. Self-Concept: This refers to the way individuals perceive themselves, encompassing beliefs, attitudes, and feelings about their own identity, abilities, and worth. A person’s self-concept can influence their behavior and interactions with the world.

  3. Cognitive Distortions: These are patterns of irrational and negative thinking that can contribute to emotional distress. Believing one is “stupid” at math, despite evidence to the contrary, might be considered a cognitive distortion.

There are also external factors, objective skills and abilities, and the influence of others also play a huge role in shaping an individual’s reality. Believing you are capable and having a positive mindset can certainly contribute to success and well-being, but it doesn’t negate the importance of objective skills, effort, and external circumstances.

So yes, while there is a psychological basis for the idea that our thoughts and beliefs can influence our behavior and experiences, it’s not a simple or absolute equation.

We need to balance positive thinking with a realistic assessment of our abilities, seek external feedback, and take concrete actions to achieve goals :slight_smile: If negative thoughts or beliefs are causing distress, it’ll be good for us to explore these with a mental health professional who can provide support and guidance!

Hope this clarifies some of your questions!


I think its Descartes that said " I think therefore i am " I was told this by my Literature teacher in my teens. Yes, its not an absolute equation but to some extend if does help to encourage oneself.