Addicted to Social Media

Hey everyone :slight_smile:

Social media addiction is a growing concern in our digitally connected world. It’s essential to recognize the signs and symptoms to address this issue effectively.

What is Social Media Addiction? Social media addiction, also known as Social Media Use Disorder, refers to the compulsive and excessive use of social networking platforms that leads to negative consequences in one’s life. It’s characterized by an inability to control social media use, preoccupation with social media, and withdrawal symptoms when attempting to cut down.

Signs and Symptoms:

  1. Excessive Usage: Spending an inordinate amount of time on social media, often at the expense of other important activities.
  2. Neglecting Responsibilities: Failing to fulfill work, school, or family responsibilities due to social media use.
  3. Withdrawal Symptoms: Feeling anxious, irritable, or restless when unable to access social media.
  4. Loss of Interest: Losing interest in other hobbies and activities that were once enjoyable.
  5. Neglecting Real-Life Relationships: Prioritizing online relationships over real-life connections.
  6. Frequent Checking: Constantly checking for notifications and updates, even during inappropriate times.
  7. Hiding Usage: Trying to conceal or downplay the extent of social media usage from others.
  8. Impact on Mental Health: Experiencing negative emotions, such as low self-esteem, depression, or anxiety, as a result of social media interactions.

Now, I’d love to hear your thoughts:

  1. Have you or someone you know experienced signs of social media addiction? How did you or they address it?
  2. What strategies have you found helpful in maintaining a healthy balance between social media use and other aspects of life?

Let me know what you think or what are some of your experiences! Your sharing may inspire or teach some of us valuable insights! Looking forward to reading your response!


Hi @cottonsoul ,

Mano here,
1.Applied to myself and my household. My mom however spend most of the time on Youtube to watch her shows and does realize it but doesnt neglect any household responsibility. As for myself, i work as a midnight watchmen so during which i need to stimulate my brain to stay awake.

  1. For me , just the other day i took a 6 hour walk around parts of my neighbourhood that i never explored and discovered new paths and an ActiveSG gym. Cause i read a post somewhere here that recommended me to do so and i think it was one of your post- Thanks again.

I guess the reality of the current era is that we live in the digital world.
I only know of few people that choose to disconnect from the matrix and i rarely hear anything about them -perhaps they are happier.

In anycase,social media or the internet are tools and i know that AI is getting smarter to trigger our dopamine stimuli to keep coming back to it. However, like all things in life, - Moderation and Balance is Key. Too much of anything is not good for the long run.

Have an Awesome Week everyone !!
Mano Esperanza.


i know someone who is addicted so social media the person is always on the phone scrolling through social media without taking a break i really think he should stop


social media messes with ur mind and is very addictive.


Social media is too addictive and can disrupt your sleep or how many hours you sleep


Yes. They realised and addressed the problem and cut down their social media usage

Having Screentime


I think that social media is really harmful to us as we will get addicted to it and we cannot stop using it


There was a period of time where i could not get of my life. I addressed it by taking breaks from my phone and during the breaks i find something more productive to do like studying.

Asking my parents or siblings to confiscate my phone when a time limit has been reached is very effective


Yes,I have friends that would be checking on their notifications frequently. one of the ways that kind of helped was to hand out with our friends more so that we can have real life conversations instead of being glued to our phones.


we all use our phones everyday and almost every teenager watched tiktok and instagram


Social media is rlly adictive and makes it hard to do normal tasks sometimes


Yeah i can get caught up in social media pretty easily.


I feel that addicting to social media is bad for u as u will not be able to concentate


the time i found out i was addicted waa when i checked my screen time was over 50hrs a week on social media. it was concerning for me so i tried to take breaks once in a while or dont even use social media at all the whole day. it really helps me improve on my addiction


social media messes with ur mind and is very addictive.


i have a friend who is continuously on social media


Jenelle here and yea… agree with this!


social media is addictive


i read manga anf watch anime


Yes it is very good speech and I agree that mental wellness is really important for people