Beyond the Label Community Roadshows! - Positive Affirmations

Welcome friends of BRAVE to our Positive Affirmations thread!

Positive affirmations are short statements that are meant to give you an encouragement or a mood boost! You can write them on your phones, a sticky note, and recite them to yourselves.

We’re compiling a list of positive affirmations, feel free to add on to the list!

  1. Your progress, no matter how small, is worth celebrating!
  2. You are doing your best and that is enough.
  3. It is okay to rest to take care of yourself.
  4. It is okay to ask for help when you need it.
  5. Your struggles do not define you.
  6. You can take breaks and relax.
  7. Your journey is a testament of your courage.
  8. Every step forward is worth celebrating
  9. You are brave for facing your fears.
  10. You have the strength to keep going.
  11. Your efforts are valued and appreciated.
  12. You are capable of finding joy in your everyday moments.
  13. Your life is meaningful and valuable.
  14. It’s okay to be a work in progress.
  15. You are resilient, you will overcome your challenges.
  16. I believe in you!
  17. You are loved and your presence makes a difference.
  18. Reach for your dreams and goals!
  19. Your self-care is important, and I support you in making it a priority.

Caregiver need to have some space, so that she can take care of her emotions to help her to continue to be strong