
I’ve been feeling low and suicidal for some time now and I’ve always found it difficult to express my feelings and thoughts to others as to why im feeling this way. People told me to just go for counselling as they are trained professionals that helps you to navigate your feelings and help you to open up more in the process. As such, I decided to give counselling a try just for the counsellor to tell me that she doesn’t know how to help me because I couldn’t express myself better and sometimes she asks me questions as though im suppose to have an answer/ solution for the situation im facing and if i say idk, it will just be an awkward silent as if im not trying hard enough. But if i knew the answer, I would’ve been able to save myself and not be at this counselling session would i? Eventually, she felt that there was no progress and just dropped me. Now I just feel stupid for reaching out for help and it feels as though im undeserving on any help as well. it feels like everyone is annoyed that im having a hard time and im annoyed at myself for feeling and being this way. They always say to reach out for help but how am i suppose to reach out when nobody cares? I have utilised my resources given to me as my last resort and at this point, im not even hoping for a recovery anymore, i just hope to have an outburst of bravery to really just end it all.

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What i realised halfway was the more transparent i am, the easier the therapist can help me. Prepare a list u want to discuss w ur therapist or write down the qns n write down the answers in ur own time b4 the next session?

Hi @Anonymous394,

I’m truly sorry to hear about the struggles you’ve been facing and the experience you had in counselling. It takes a lot of courage to reach out for help, especially when expressing your feelings is difficult, and I can only imagine how disheartening it must have been to feel dismissed during such a vulnerable time.

First, I want you to know that your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to feel the way you do. What you’re going through is incredibly tough, and it’s not something you should have to navigate alone. It’s understandable that you felt frustrated when the counsellor expected you to have answers that are so hard to find when you’re in a place of pain.

Expressing your feelings doesn’t always come naturally—especially when those feelings are tangled up in layers of pain, confusion, or fear. It takes time, patience, and guidance from experienced and professional counsellors who understand that these things can’t be rushed.

Counselling should be a space where you feel supported, even when the words don’t come easily. The goal is to work together, at your pace, to make sense of those thoughts and feelings. Unfortunately, it seems like the approach you experienced wasn’t the right fit, but that doesn’t mean that you’re beyond help or that no one cares. It simply means that the approach wasn’t tailored to your needs, which can happen sometimes. It doesn’t reflect your value or your worthiness of support.

Reaching out for help again might feel daunting, especially after what you’ve been through, but there are professionals who can and will meet you where you are—without expecting you to have it all figured out. Sometimes, it’s about finding the right person who understands how to support you in the way that works for you.

Please know that you deserve help, and there are people who truly care and want to support you, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now. If you’re open to it, can you share where you have gone for help? So that we can guide you toward resources or strategies that might be a better fit. It’s also important to keep in mind that mental health crises are serious, and reaching out to someone immediately—whether it’s a crisis line, a trusted friend, or a different professional—can make a difference.

You’ve taken a brave step in sharing your feelings here, and that’s not something to overlook. It shows that part of you still wants to find a way forward, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. I’m here to listen, and so are others who genuinely want to help.

Please take care, and don’t give up on finding the support you deserve.

hi @FuYuan_Affections, thanks for your comment. it does make me feel a little better. I’ve gone to see my counsellor and psychiatrist in school. Both of them dropped me just like this i think because they do have alot of other cases to handle as well but it really hurts to think that maybe im not that important or im really the problem in this case that I should stop wasting people’s time when there are others that are in more severe cases. I really hate myself and hate my life so much. im a joke.

Hi @Anonymous394,

Thank you for trusting me enough to share more about what you’re going through. I’m really sorry to hear about your experiences with your school counselor and psychiatrist. It must have been incredibly painful to feel dropped like that, especially when you were already feeling low. I want you to know that your feelings are valid, and it’s okay to feel hurt and disappointed by how things turned out.

First, I would like you to know that having a negative experience is not a reflection of your worth. You are not a burden, and you are absolutely not wasting anyone’s time. Mental health professionals are there to support you, and it’s unfortunate that your experiences made you feel otherwise. The fact that they might have a lot of cases to handle doesn’t diminish the importance of your struggles or your right to receive help. It’s not about you being “less important”—it’s about finding the right support that meets your needs.

I know it’s hard not to hate yourself when it feels like you’re stuck in this painful place, but I want to remind you that reaching out for help—like you did with your counselors, and even here—takes a lot of strength. You deserve to be heard, supported, and cared for, just like anyone else. You are not a joke, and your life has value, even if it’s hard to see that right now.

It might help to try connecting with a different professional who can better understand and support you, or even reaching out to a support group where you can share your experiences with others who might be going through something similar. Sometimes, it takes a few tries to find the right fit, and that’s okay. You’re not alone in this, and there are people out there who genuinely want to help.

Please remember that these feelings, as overwhelming as they are, don’t define you. There is hope, even if it’s hard to feel it at the moment, and there are people who care and want to see you through this. If things ever feel too overwhelming, please don’t hesitate to reach out to a crisis line or someone you trust—they’re there to help you in these moments.

You’ve already taken some brave steps by reaching out here, and that’s not something to overlook. Is there a teacher that you trust that you can speak to at school? How about asking your friends, do they know of another counsellor? Perhaps they can help you escalate your case again? Let us know when you get a chance to try again…

Hi @anonymous394, I just want to share that I was in a similar situation like you as well. Firstly, I am so proud of you for being brave and step out to seek help. I know it is really tough to muster your courage especially when you are already in a terrible space and might be close to giving up so I am really proud of you for that.

As I said earlier that I was in a similar situation like you, I had no thoughts, too tired to talk, too tired to think, just tired and numb to pain. In the end, I switched and tried multiple counsellors then things slowly get better. I think counsellors are like teachers in some sense, some students think that this teacher is good at teaching because he/she explains the whole context and background but some students think he/she is bad at teaching because they think this teacher is naggy and they like key points that are straight to the point. The main point of me saying this is - we also need to find counsellors who fit our condition and our needs so try looking for another counsellor again. If you don’t have the courage or capacity to seek for a counsellor again, feel free to reach out to us here. I’m here for you and many others are here for you as well.

I am fortunate that things are looking better for me now and a message to my current self would be - things have been rough and tough but I’m glad you are in the present. I hope you are able to say the same thing 2/5/10/more years down the road to yourself with pride of what you have overcome and achieve. Hang in there and know that you are worthy and deserve to be loved and cared for. I’m here for you.

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hey, im really sorry you had this experience with your counsellor :frowning: even if you dont know how to express yourself yet, you still deserve to get the support you need

i get how it feels like no one cares, it really hurts to be dropped by a counsellor. but that counsellor is just one person and this isn’t a reflection of your worth.

navigating counsellors and the mental health system is really tough and a long process and its especially hard when you’re in a bad place :frowning: if you’re open to it maybe you could look into other counsellors? you deserve to have a space where you feel safe!

we care about you and are here for you :heart:

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