

so i cry everyday without reason . i have (or had, since he just left me) a boyfriend, and when he came into my life i’m supposed to be happy right? because i do enjoy his presence, but everytime im not around him i break down, absolutely no clue why.

just a summary, we used to date for 5 months or so, then he broke up w me, then we got back tgt after a month ( he went off to date someone else then came back ) and i initially didn’t want to because we were starting a much more difficult school year , but i gave in after he persuaded, and we started dating again. but ive been feeling ■■■■ ever since, crying daily, sometimes with reason, other times none at all. ive been suddenly sleeping early, yet slacking off and staying up late on other days. i’m skipping meals and i’ve $h, im afraid i might take things too far and commit.

seeking help

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Hi @chl

Thank you for reaching out. It’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and unsure about what’s happening considering what is going on around you. I believe the emotional roller coaster you are feeling could be attributed to the various uncertainties and challenges facing you.

The symptoms you described such as daily crying could be a sign of underlying emotional distress, anxiety, or depression. Irregular sleep patterns and skipping meals can indicate stress, anxiety, or depression. Please also know that self-harm is not a healthy coping mechanism and can lead to more harm.

For immediate support, I recommend you :

  1. Reach out to a trusted adult: Talk to a parent, teacher, or school counsellor about your feelings and concerns.
  2. Crisis helplines: Contact a crisis helpline, such as the SOS hotline at 1800 221 4444.

For Long-term Support, I sugggest:

  1. Professional help: Consider seeking help from a mental health professional, such as a psychotherapist or counsellor.
  2. Self-care: Prioritise self-care activities, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies, to help manage your emotions.

Remember, you’re not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help. Please reach out for support and prioritise your well-being. :heart:

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Hey Girlie :smiley_cat:

It sounds like going through a tough time is such and understatement.

It also sounds like you have many thoughts regarding this boyfriend of yours. Although his presence is appreciated, you feel terrible now that you have gotten back together with him.

I want to say that despite your affections toward him, It seems that there are some unaddressed issues at the back that needs to be touched. Are there any other concerns you face outside of your relationship?

Please hit me up if you need to talk through your issues!

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