Don’t know what to do

I feel like I am walking in wrong way.
I can’t focus what I needed to do .
I don’t know that is the life I wanted to be .
I really not sure what is right or wrong

Hi Wiwi

Thank you for your courage in bringing up the struggle you have. Your uncertainty and trepidation on what are right and wrong choices is fully understandable and valid. The feelings you have shared are common so please do not feel alone. :heart:. May I suggest you consider the following:

  1. Take a step back: Give yourself permission to pause and reflect on your thoughts and feelings. Practise mindfulness to gain clarity. Journal daily to record and process what feelings and thoughts are emerging.

  2. Explore your values: Identify what’s important to you in life, what you stand for, and what makes you happy.

  3. Set small goals: Break down larger goals into smaller, achievable steps. This can help you regain focus and direction.

  4. Seek inspiration: Talk to people, read books, or explore new experiences to help discover what resonates with you. Be fully present to maximise the learnings and insights.

  5. Practice self-compassion: Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that it’s okay to not have all the answers.

  6. Consider seeking guidance: Talk to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional for support and guidance.

Remember, finding your way is a journey, and it’s okay to take your time. You don’t have to have all the answers right now. The journey of a thousand steps starts with the first step, so as long as you keep moving, adjusting, improving you will get to your destination. Exercise flexibility and openness, and enjoy the journey and process. :heart:

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Hey there! Thanks for sharing with us how you feel and I believe this is what a lot of people face as well but don’t raise it up. I personally have been through and is still going through it so I always asked people for their advice. One of them told me that actually most people don’t know what they want and what they are doing in life and it is perfectly okay. We don’t have enough knowledge to know what we really want. She advised me to keep an open mind and have faith that things will get better and that there will always be opportunities for us to make our lives better so always keep a look out for it! Another friend of mine advised me to change my mindset and treat life like writing a chapter in a book. Keep exploring and navigating. We will only know the conclusion at the end of the book.

Anyway, if you are looking for solutions to make yourself feel better, start talking to someone closer to you maybe your friends or family members. I think they will have a better understanding on your situation and can provide you with emotional support and advice. I also understand that sometimes your friends or family members don’t give the best form of emotional support, if that’s the case, you can reach out to us here as well. Just know that you are never alone in this. If you are comfortable, you can share with us your deep thoughts and I hope we can provide you with some solutions to get you through it. I think it is a tough time for you and I hope you find the light soon! ATB!

Hello @Wiwi ! Thanks for sharing your feelings. At some point of my life I do feel the same way as you. It might seem like others know what they want in life but honestly all of us do feel lost. Actually we’re all simply winging it. No one has it all figured out and that it’s impossible for us to know everything! I learnt to embrace the unknown and to take things slowly.

Relating to how you are feeling, perhaps it will be meaningful to set small goals for yourself to give yourself a sense of direction and purpose. It doesn’t have to be something super ambitious! Talk to your loved ones and don’t be afraid to seek mentorship, explore new hobbies and opportunities. Perhaps, you could join school related clubs if you’re still studying or join external interest groups to form companionship and seek support from other like minded individuals. Remember to be kind to yourself and it’s okay if you haven’t figured out everything yet. There’s excitement in the unknown.

Hi Wiwi,

Just want you to know that your feelings are perfectly valid. Many of us, myself included, have felt lost at a certain point in life, and confusion over whether our path is correct or wrong. I guess it’s kind of like “quarter-life crisis” or “mid-life crisis” kind of scenarios.

It seems that in this case, you have certain self-doubts on the decisions or direction you’re making in your life right now, and this uncertainty is causing fear with regards to your decision making. This fear is then causing this difficulty in focusing in the aspects of your life. Perhaps you are afraid that you may regret a certain path or certain decisions that you will make? The combination of these different feelings seems to have lead you to feel overwhelmed and left you feeling helpless.

May I ask are (or is) there certain events that trigger these feelings of yours? Have you tried talking to someone about it yet?

Hope things get better for you soon as time passes!