I'm confused

I don’t know whats wrong with me. I have been feeling very lost in what I want to do in life. It’s like I feel like I have no more passion, I mean I have times where I have a burst of creativity and then I start a project but I never see through with it. I’ll try to complete it but I can never motivate myself and then I would feel guilty about it.
I’ve come to notice that I do the same with school assignments, I used to be able to force myself and complete them but after a few years it gradually got harder and harder to do.
I have graduated already but am having difficulty deciding if I want to further my education or get a job, because I’m scared I won’t be able to do well in terms of school assignments or tasks at work, and I’m not sure if I even want to continue pursuing in that industry anymore. I feel guilty by staying at home and just wasting my life away.
That’s one issue, there’s another where I’m terrified of job interviews and my mind blanks out, this happens when presenting too, and I sometimes avoid them by skipping classes. I know its bad, and try to stop myself from backing out last minute but there are still times where I run away.
Anyways coming back to the issue of not completing tasks, my sister-in-law recently asked me to help design products for her small business. At first I had no issue coming up with designs but now I can’t even pick up my pen anymore, I have a few incomplete works that I feel aren’t good enough and sometimes I feel like I’ve completely forgotten how to draw. I feel guilty I haven’t been updating, and I’m running away again by scrolling mindlessly on the internet. I’m getting tired of myself.

Dear @User1591,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings so openly. From what you’ve written, it sounds like you’re carrying a heavy load of emotions and expectations, and I want you to know—it’s okay to feel tired and overwhelmed. Let’s simplify things so you can focus on just being kind to yourself right now.

You don’t have to figure everything out all at once. Right now, it sounds like what you need most is a moment to breathe. When you’re feeling tired, it’s okay to rest. It’s not laziness or failure; it’s part of the process of taking care of yourself.

  • For now, instead of thinking about tasks or goals, ask yourself, What would feel comforting to me today? It could be something small, like listening to a song you love, making a cup of tea, or just sitting quietly.

You mentioned feeling overwhelmed by unfinished projects, guilt about school or work, and fear about interviews. All of this is a lot for one person to handle. Let’s focus on just one thing at a time.

  • Think about one small step you could take—not because you “should,” but because it feels doable. For example, if picking up a pen to design feels like too much, maybe just lay out your tools. If that’s all you do today, that’s enough.

Feeling stuck or unsure is a part of being human, and it’s something many people experience. It doesn’t make you any less worthy or capable. You’re not defined by what you finish or don’t finish—your value goes beyond that.

Remember this:

  • You’re allowed to take your time. If guilt or shame creeps in, remind yourself: I’m doing the best I can with what I have right now.

Let’s focus on helping you feel a little less burdened, one small step at a time. What feels manageable to you right now? You don’t have to do everything—just share how you’re feeling, and we’ll take it from there.

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