Fear of commitment


Been reflecting for a while, and I realized that I can’t bring myself to commit to anything, but why, I’m not sure. I used to get excited at the idea of, say, school, relationships, or travel.

Now, everything seems dull or a disaster waiting to happen. I declined school. I started withdrawing from a lot of people. My exercise routine is now in shambles.

I don’t know whats happening.


Hey @Boombubble, sorry to hear you have been feeling this way…it does sound like a challenging experience, so thank you for sharing this and reaching out for help :heart_hands: Im hearing that you seem to have reservations about commitment and relationships, and it has also affected other aspects of your usual routine like school and exercise :slightly_frowning_face:

Hmm Im wondering what led you to reflect and arrive at these realizations? Was there a particular event or thought that started it?

Hi @BoomBubble,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your reflections. It sounds like you’re going through a tough time, and it’s really good that you’re looking for support. The feelings you’re experiencing — lack of excitement, withdrawal from people, and a disrupted routine — can be overwhelming and confusing. It’s important to remember that experiencing these kinds of feelings doesn’t make you weak or inadequate. Sometimes, our minds and bodies react to stress, changes, or even burnout in ways that can make us feel disconnected and unmotivated.

Would you be willing to share more about what led you to these realizations? Was there a specific event or thought that triggered these reflections? Understanding the root cause can be helpful in addressing these feelings as helpfully identified by @OMT

While it’s challenging, taking small steps towards self-care can make a significant difference. Here are a few things that might help:

  1. Try to slowly reintroduce activities that used to bring you joy. Start small, maybe a short walk or a brief chat with a friend.

  2. A counselor or therapist can help you explore these feelings more deeply and develop strategies to cope. Sometimes having someone to talk to who is trained to help can provide new insights and relief.

  3. Practice being kind to yourself. Journaling can help you stay present and process your emotions without judgment.

  4. Even though your exercise routine is in shambles, try to find ways to incorporate some form of physical activity. Movement can significantly impact your mood and energy levels.

  5. It’s okay to lean on the people who care about you. They might not have all the answers, but their support can make a big difference.

Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone. There are resources and people willing to help. Sometimes just taking the first step to talk about what you’re feeling can start the process of healing. Take care, and we’re here for you.

Hello Omt,

I feel that the catalyst to this was being betrayed by people at work after having done all I could, which affected my dating life cos I wasn’t able to focus on regulating my thoughts due to the fear of being taken advantage of, among other things.

I dunno what to do next.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

For a start, is there a therapist or counselor you would recommend? I’m feeling stuck.

Hi @Boombubble,

I would not be able to recommend a specific counsellor or therapist. However, for a start, I can recommend that you try visiting the following links?

Free Counselling Services
Silver Ribbon - Silver Ribbon (Singapore) - Services - Counselling
SAMH - https://www.samhealth.org.sg/our-services/outreach/samh-insight-centre/#insight-contact
Care Corner - https://carey.carecorner.org.sg/

SOS 24 Hour hotline 1767
IMH Hotline 6389 2222
National Care Hotline 1800-202-6868
Touchline 1800-377-2252

For urgent matters, you may wish to look at the following page for options Get Help Now Page - let's talk

Hope that it helps and get better soon! :slight_smile: