Feelings upset for no valid reason

I have lots of things to focus on right now but have no motivation to do it. I keep scrolling my phone without any reason. I know a lot of things is going on my mind but i don’t know how to talk about it. I have people to share my thoughts but i cannot do it

Hi Boyar

Thank you for reaching out courageously for help. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now and its understandable, valid and normal to experience feeling overwhelmed and demotivated.

Take a deep breath, ground your feet onto the ground and stay in the present. Do this deep breathing and grounding for about three minutes to self-regulate your emotions and bring the thinking brain back online.

Now I encourage you write out the tasks you need to do.

Secondly, prioritise them into three categories - for example, indicate which tasks are urgent (due today), not immediately urgent (due this week) and due in the next two weeks/or later.

Next, for each task, further break them down into smaller manageable chunks. Write these sub tasks down. Doing this could make the task less scary and more achievable.

Set tiny goals for each task which you are more likely to achieve. This could generate a sense of achievement and works towards gaining momentum.
I recommend you can use the Pomodoro method where you set a timer to about 10 minutes. During this 10 minutes, there will be no interruptions. Once you conquer the first 10 minutes, take a 1 min break and continue with another 10 minutes. Slowly increase to blocks of 25 minutes of uninterrupted work, followed by a 5 min break and them continue again. With practice, you can overcome the initial inertia and establish a flow.

It is great to hear that there are people in your life who would willingly lend you a helping hand and a listening ear if you approach them. Start tiny conversations with the most trusted helpful and non judgmental among them. Reaching out for support could open up more avenues of assistance. I believe you will also realise you are not alone; so tapping on others’ support is an excellent option.

Do practise self compassion as you slowly work on getting things done. If you fall off the wagon, that is OK, take steps to start again instead of paying attention to any negative self-talk. Let the negative self-talk chatter in the background, focus instead on the steps you need to do. Slowly, the negative self-talk will reduce its grip on you and fade away.

Celebrate small wins. Cross out that to do list for the tasks/subtasks you have completed. It can be a good morale-booster. :slight_smile:

If possible, identify through self reflection the reasons behind the drop in motivation. Addressing them could help you regain your drive and enthusiasm.

Please do not be too disheartened by this. Taking small steps to start off is the key to overcoming the current dip you are experiencing. You got this! :hearts: